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Item #12345
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Item #12345
A. D. Bennett has added the following item to their Wish List:
 Magnetic Poetry: Erotic Kit   #7707
For the erotica writers...

    Your Price: $14.95
 Magnetic Poetry: Book Lover   #1017
Over 240 well-written words.

    Your Price: $14.95
 Magnetic Poetry: Artist Kit   #1016
Express yourself with The Artist.

    Your Price: $14.95
 Magnetic Poetry: Love Kit   #1014
The Love Kit is a gift from the heart.

    Your Price: $21.95
 Magnetic Poetry: Shakespeare Kit   #1015
The Shakespeare Kit is a saucy collection of over 240 bard-inspired magnetic tiles.

    Your Price: $14.95
 Magnetic Poetry: Mixed-Up Romance Novel   #1019
Over 240 madly desirous word magnets.

    Your Price: $14.95
 Once Upon a Time   #1132
This innovative pack is filled with creative ideas designed to inspire storytellers of all ages.

    Your Price: $14.95
Printed from https://joycag.writing.com/main/shop/item_id/12345/action/wish_list/user_id/anangelsshadow