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Item #12345
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Item #12345
Cat has added the following item to their Wish List:
 Writing.Com Book Darts   #1062
Much more than a bookmark, you can keep the exact line on your page with these bronze Writing.Com book darts!

    Your Price: $7.95
 Magnetic Page Clips   #1065
Each magnetized side gently clips over the page. 9 styles to choose from!

    Your Price: $2.25
 You Know You're a Writer When . . .   #1137
Many readers will recognize themselves in this collection of observations about the eccentric, quirky, word-obsessed condition that is being a writer.

    Your Price: $9.95
 Butterflies and Roses Deluxe Notecards   #1129
20 beautiful folded cards, blank inside, with 20 envelopes.

    Your Price: $14.95
 Wax and Wax Seals   #1073
Choose from 3 wax seal designs, each packaged with 2 colors of wax!

    Your Price: $15.95
 Wax and Wax Seals   #1073
Choose from 3 wax seal designs, each packaged with 2 colors of wax!

    Your Price: $15.95
 Wax and Wax Seals   #1073
Choose from 3 wax seal designs, each packaged with 2 colors of wax!

    Your Price: $15.95
 Geoclips   #1094
Cool shaped clips for your paper.

    Your Price: $4.95
 "Pro/Con" Pad   #1059
The decision to make a decision is one of the most difficult things you can decide to do.

    Your Price: $6.99
 Pico Pad   #1098
A pad and pen so small, they'll fit right into your wallet!

    Your Price: $5.99
 Squiggles   #1140
A Really Giant Drawing and Painting Book

    Your Price: $18.95
 Personal Library Kit   #1021
All the tools used by professional librarians!

    Your Price: $24.95
Printed from https://joycag.writing.com/main/shop/item_id/12345/action/wish_list/user_id/gconyers