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Item #12345
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Item #12345
Marie Ann Lavender has added the following item to their Wish List:
 Magnetic Poetry: Mixed-Up Romance Novel   #1019
Over 240 madly desirous word magnets.

    Your Price: $14.95
 Writing.Com Stress Relievers (Set of 2)   #1039
This Writing.Com squeezie helps to relieve your tension!

    Your Price: $4.50
 You Know You're a Writer When . . .   #1137
Many readers will recognize themselves in this collection of observations about the eccentric, quirky, word-obsessed condition that is being a writer.

    Your Price: $9.95
 Writing.Com Journal and Pen Set   #1007
Spiral bound lined paper with a clear plastic translucent cover, plus a Writing.Com pen.

    Your Price: $10.00
 Writing.Com Sticky Notes (Set of 5)   #1038
Jot down all those item numbers and doodles.

    Your Price: $5.00
Printed from https://joycag.writing.com/main/shop/item_id/12345/action/wish_list/user_id/heychica80