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Printed from https://joycag.writing.com/main/shop/item_id/12345/action/wish_list/user_id/lilli_in_fl
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Item #12345
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Item #12345
Lilli 🧿 ☕ has added the following item to their Wish List:
 Writing.Com Bic Pens (Set of 10)   #1102
The best bic pens around!

    Your Price: $8.95
 Bag: Writing.Com Tote   #1029
Carry your supplies around in our large Writing.Com tote bag!

    Your Price: $12.00
 Writing.Com Pencils (Set of 10)   #1037
Our pencils have a rubber eraser and natural wood case.

    Your Price: $6.00
 Writing.Com Click Pens (Set of 10)   #12078
We absolutely LOVE these pens! They are fun to write with and fun to click when you're thinking! Each set comes with 5 white ones and 5 black!

    Your Price: $10.00
Printed from https://joycag.writing.com/main/shop/item_id/12345/action/wish_list/user_id/lilli_in_fl