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Item #12345
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Item #12345
S. E. Mabson has added the following item to their Wish List:
 Writing.Com Playing Cards   #1033
The deck is slick black with a silver foil logo and the 'Write On!' tagline.

    Your Price: $8.00
 Writing.Com Book Darts   #1062
Much more than a bookmark, you can keep the exact line on your page with these bronze Writing.Com book darts!

    Your Price: $7.95
 Bag: Writing.Com Tote   #1029
Carry your supplies around in our large Writing.Com tote bag!

    Your Price: $12.00
 Bookmark: She is Fierce   #11729
Beautiful bookmarks with matching tassel and beads make it easy to pick up where you left off. These also make GREAT GIFTS!

    Your Price: $4.99
 Writing.Com Paper Weight   #1101
A glass paper weight with Writing.Com inscribed.

    Your Price: $39.95
 Writing.Com Writer's Clipboards (Set of 2)   #1032
Carry a writing surface with you...

    Our Price: $9.00
    Closeout:  - $4.50 (50%)
Your Price: $4.50 (or 45,000 GPs)
Printed from https://joycag.writing.com/main/shop/item_id/12345/action/wish_list/user_id/semp83