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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com!
Site News & Announcements
Welcome to the official Writing.Com blog for news and announcements about the site. Be sure to add this as a "Favorite" and check back often for updates on new features, changes, events and other site related information. We encourage feedback, so please leave your comments.
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September 1, 2012 at 11:55pm
September 1, 2012 at 11:55pm

A whole bunch of people have noticed that we added "has tagged You" notifications to your Updates feed. I meant to get this announcement in shortly after we released it, but other birthday stuff got in the way... then we had plans for most of today that kept me from time to post.

Tagged notifications in your Updates feed are there to tell you when someone has used a WritingML tag to reference you somewhere in the site. Any of the user tags, including {s-user} and {user} ... For newbies, the WritingML tag for your username looks like this: {user:YOURUSERNAME} and if I substitute user "support" for YOURUSERNAME, it produces this:
         Writing.Com Support

The new notification system will only show you a tag one time per entry, post, item body, etc. You will not get a tag notice each time there's an edit. But note that in the initial stages of this, more active members are likely to see more tagged notifications than normal, as with each initial edit of a popular group item or donors list, you'll get a notification. These "extra" notifications should subside pretty quickly and soon enough it will be all "new" tags.

We think this is a pretty important thing for the community and had discussed adding it some time ago, but the idea got lost in the shuffle. A few days ago, The StoryMistress was reading a post full of thank you's to members on the site for doing different things. She pointed out to me that most of the people mentioned would never know about it... and she was completely right!

An important note is that you will not get tag notifications for private items, entries, etc. If you get a tag notification, it means you were able to access where ever the tag was left at the time you were tagged. We are missing a few places they should be and we'll add them as we find them... But, of course, there are NO tagging notices for things like email, IM, scrolling messages, etc.

I know some of you may be itching to filter these out of your Updates thanks to the initial "edit-woosh" described above, but please hang out on that thought for now and bear with it... In the long run, you don't want to hide these (*waves hand in a Jedi like way*). But in answer to the question: Yes, in the future, we'll be looking at filtering and exclusion options for you to use incase you're getting too much in your Updates.

In the near future, we'll be updating the tag notification line to give more information about where you've been tagged; ie: post, item, entry, etc. [[Edited to note that this is now done.]] Updates will also be getting some other notifications and information to the feed as time goes on as that's always been part of the plan; Badge and Awardicon giving/receiving actions will be very soon.

Best wishes,
September 1, 2012 at 12:43am
September 1, 2012 at 12:43am
*PartyhatV* Day 1: September 1, 2012
For our first celebration day, we've got a lot of practical imagery for you!

*Binoculars* *Calc* *Clip* *Graph* *Pen* *Phone* *Pin* *Printer* *Trash*

*Binoculars* is {e:binoculars}
*Calc* is {e:calc}
*Clip* is {e:clip}
*Graph* is {e:graph}
*Pen* is {e:pen}
*Phone* is {e:phone}
*Pin* is {e:pin}
*Printer* is {e:printer}
*Trash* is {e:trash}

*Beach* *City* *House* *Mountains* *Mountainsb* *Mountainsg* *Pyramid* *Suitcase*

*Beach* is {e:beach}
*City* is {e:city}
*House* is {e:house}
*Mountains* is {e:mountains}
*Mountainsb* is {e:mountainsb}
*Mountainsg* is {e:mountainsg}
*Pyramid* is {e:pyramid}
*Suitcase* is {e:suitcase}

*Flagb* *Flagbl* *Flagbr* *Flagg* *Flaggr* *Flago* *Flagp* *Flagr* *Flagv* *Flagw* *Flagy*

*Flagb* is {e:flagb}
*Flagbl* is {e:flagbl}
*Flagbr* is {e:flagbr}
*Flagg* is {e:flagg}
*Flaggr* is {e:flaggr}
*Flago* is {e:flago}
*Flagp* is {e:flagp}
*Flagr* is {e:flagr}
*Flagv* is {e:flagv}
*Flagw* is {e:flagw}
*Flagy* is {e:flagy}

*Ribbonb* *Ribbong* *Ribbono* *Ribbonp* *Ribbonr* *Ribbonv* *Ribbonw* *Ribbony*

*Ribbonb* is {e:ribbonb}
*Ribbong* is {e:ribbong}
*Ribbono* is {e:ribbono}
*Ribbonp* is {e:ribbonp}
*Ribbonr* is {e:ribbonr}
*Ribbonv* is {e:ribbonv}
*Ribbonw* is {e:ribbonw}
*Ribbony* is {e:ribbony}

September 1, 2012 at 12:32am
September 1, 2012 at 12:32am
*PartyhatV* Celebrating *12* Years of Writing.Com:
                                        Giveaways, Contests, & More!

Writing.Com is twelve years old!

*Hourglass* Starting today, September 1st and continuing through the 7th, we are hosting a huge celebration throughout the community. We are holding themed contests, running birthday activities, releasing new "things" and giving away millions of Gift Points! Creativity and inspiration await you, so jump right in and get started!

   Party Central Signature
*BalloonR* "Writing.Com Party Central 2024!
For complete and current celebration details about the contests, activities and special releases during the first seven days of September, you will want to visit "Writing.Com Party Central 2024!. This page is bursting with things to do, reasons to write and rewards for reviews. It lists all of our official festivities, plus many member-run activities! Each day, we will also release something new for the community and it will be posted in "Writing.Com Party Central 2024! first! So be sure to add this item to your favorites so you can see as soon as it is updated!

*GiftO* Giving Away Millions of Gift Points!
During our week long celebration for our 12th birthday, we will be giving away millions of Gift Points! Review your peers and get great 12 times payouts from the Review Mixer and Daily Review Rewards. Don't miss the Writing.Com contests for your chance to win. You will even get 1,200 Gift Points per day just for logging in. And don't forget about all of the member-run birthday contests and activities that we have highlighted in "Writing.Com Party Central 2024! !

*PartyhatB* Gift Points for RAOK!
In honor of our birthday, we're raising Gift Points for "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group with our "Gift Points for RAOK" special. When you buy Gift Points between September 1st and 7th, a percentage of your Gift Point purchase will be matched and donated directly to RAOK in your name. Check out our Shop for more! *Right* <a href="http://www.writing.com/main/shop/cat/Gift_Points" target="_blank">Gift Points in the Shop</a>

*Dollar* 10% Back in Gift Points For Orders in "The Writing.Com Shop
For every order placed in "The Writing.Com Shop during September 1-7, 2012, we will give back to you 10% of your order's total in Gift Points! Purchase a one-year Premium membership at the regular price and you will receive 139,950 in Gift Points. Buy a 3-month Upgraded membership, and you'll receive 19,950 back in Gift Points. Buy 1 million Gift Points, and you'll receive an extra 100,000! And if you order tangible items like mugs, t-shirts, journals and more, we'll even include your shipping in that 10% back. We're that excited to be turning 12! Please note that we'll be processing the 10% back in GPs by hand, so please be patient -- we'll get them to you ASAP!

*Thumbsup* THANK YOU!
We want to sincerely thank everyone for making this site such a creative and inspirational success. It's been a wonderful 12 years for us, and we are excited to see what the next twelve years (and beyond!) holds in store for this incredible community.

A special thanks goes out to our Moderators, Senior Mods and Diane for their dedication to and support of our members. Another thank you is extended to our Preferred Authors for their participation and activity throughout Writing.Com. And a big huge thank you to ALL of our members for making this the best online writing community around! We couldn't imagine a better environment in which to spend our time.

Be sure to head over to *BalloonV* "Writing.Com Party Central 2024! *BalloonP* to get started with our celebration... you won't want to miss a thing!

         The StoryMistress and The StoryMaster

                   Happy Birthday, Writing.Com Sig (Small)
August 29, 2012 at 3:03am
August 29, 2012 at 3:03am
Greetings Members,

In traversing back through "Suggestion Box, I came across the Insert WritingML tag, which I see was never mentioned outside the forum. So, I wanted to more formally introduce it here!

The Insert tag allows you to insert a Static Item into another item, email, book entry, forum post, etc. This is useful when you need to include the same "stuff" in a lot of places. Group leaders may find it useful to help keep navigation amongst various pages up to date and centralized. Authors may find it useful for creating navigation within their portfolio items. I'm sure the uses will be interesting and varied.

Usage: {insert:#######} where ####### is a Static Item's ID number.

Some small caveats:
*Bullet* The insert item must be a static item.
*Bullet* The static item must be in your portfolio (it can be public or private, doesn't matter).
*Bullet* It requires that you have an Upgraded Membership or above.
*Bullet* It will not work in Campfire items.
*Bullet* It's not yet in the WritingML documentation!

It's been in the system for a long long time, just undocumented and unannounced... We do use it in a few documentation places within Writing.Com and it was previously released in "Suggestion Box. It hasn't been thoroughly vetted it for a full release, so please do let us know if you run into any troubles.

Write on,
August 28, 2012 at 2:58am
August 28, 2012 at 2:58am

Another suggestion that's come up a few times in our "Suggestion Box was for the ability to add Paid Memberships to one's "The Writing.Com Shop Wish List. And, I'm happy to say, this is now available!

(As a side perk to this, you can also Wish List memberships to be gifted to anyone; friends who you know need some help, group leaders who could use a hand keeping up or increasing their membership level for the group's features, etc. Just select a membership type and length, then add their username to the "Gift For" field and click "Add To Wish List".)

I've tested this feature a number of different ways, but I certainly appreciate feedback if anything appears to be 'off' with it.

August 26, 2012 at 3:46am
August 26, 2012 at 3:46am

A quick note that we've added two new "Table of Contents" Entry Formats to Book Items...
          Numbers Only
          No Numbering

Similar to the existing Table of Contents layouts but:
- "Numbers Only" shows a entry's placement within the book only; rather than "Chapter #10: My Chapter", it's just "#10: My Chapter".
- "No Numbering" removes the numbering completely, showing just "My Chapter"

A couple small things off the todo list!

August 24, 2012 at 2:40am
August 24, 2012 at 2:40am

Another very popular request in our "Suggestion Box has been for the ability to "direct deposit" earnings from cNotes (community notes) right into a group's Gift Point account... And, I'm happy to say, this is now available!

For obvious mail swamping reasons, please note that no email notifications are sent about the GPs deposited from cNotes. The group's GP log is the only place to find the earnings. And to help insure other donations don't get lost in the logs, there is also an option there to hide these new cNote fees from showing.

I've tested this feature a number of different ways, but I certainly appreciate feedback if anything appears to be 'off' with it.

August 22, 2012 at 12:38pm
August 22, 2012 at 12:38pm
The following winners for the July 2012 running of "Good Deeds Go Noticed were chosen from the 157 entries submitted.

*Star* First: sandybays
*Bullet* Second: C.Evil
*Bullet* Third: Marsha Musselman


Want your shot at winning gift points for reviewing? It's easy! Just add the following line to your public reviews:

{b}My review has been submitted for consideration in {item:451035}.{/b}

Then submit the review IDs to "Good Deeds Get CASH!. The more you enter, the greater your chance to win a prize. *Smile*
August 18, 2012 at 9:44am
August 18, 2012 at 9:44am
The following winners for the July 2012 running of "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest were chosen from the 13 entries submitted. Each entry was judged based on the criteria provided in "Journey Through Genres: Official Contest. Congratulations to the following three winners:

*Star* First Place - "Desolate"   by C. T. Hill
*Bullet* Second Place - "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
*Bullet* Third Place - "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

Thanks to the judges for their time spent reading and reviewing the entries. *Smile*


August 15, 2012 at 2:51am
August 15, 2012 at 2:51am
Greeting Folks!

I come with more good news. A whole bunch of months ago, I added a beautiful little time saver to email. Unfortunately, I tucked it away, defaulted to off... and forget to announce it really anywhere.

The good news is ... I remembered all of this tonight! While some of you may have found it on your own, here it is:

From your "Email", click to the Options tab. On that page, look for:
          MouseOver Subject Show Preview

I suggest clicking to turn it on. It does what you might expect -- that is, it shows you a preview of your email message when you mouse over its subject line in the email list; no clicking preview. When you move off the subject, the preview disappears.

The feature is defaulted to off because I didn't want to overload the servers with email previews without testing it more, and then I forgot about it.

... Or don't turn it on. It's up to you! But I find it makes email browsing much more graceful and enjoyable. I apologize for forgetting about it for so long. *Wink*

(By the way, this might also be a good time to consider if you're showing enough emails per page. If you find yourself going from page to page in email looking for things, consider upping your "Per Page" amount. The maximum is 200.)


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