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October 6, 2010 at 10:56pm
October 6, 2010 at 10:56pm

I'm happy to announce the beta release of Macros for the recently updated WdC editor! Macros allow you to quickly create your own custom WritingML editor buttons. When those custom buttons are clicked, the text you've previously entered as the macro is dropped into the text editor area.

To use Macros, click the button in the WritingML editor toolbar.

*Note* Macros require an Upgraded Membership or above.

*Bullet* Each member can have up to 20 custom macros.
*Bullet* Once you create a macro, it becomes a clickable button in your editor toolbar found in that "M" area.
*Bullet* Macros are also assigned to hot keys... Ctrl+0 thru Ctrl+9 and Ctrl+Shift+0 thru Ctrl+Shift+9.
*Bullet* The text of each Macro must be between 2 and 500 characters.

Please remember this is a beta release. If you use it, you are amongst the first to try it out. While I've done extensive testing, I expect there to be bugs that I've missed. I do expect they will be small and inconvenience-like, rather than traumatic failures of the system. *Smile*

That said, there are a couple odds and ends to "sort out"... 3 of those that I'll make note of are:
*ButtonB* Internet Explorer is, of course as MSIE always is, being difficult. I have found some cases where the insert of the macro works correctly and other cases where it does not. I am still working with this. *Wink*

*ButtonB* Ctrl+Shift+8, is in fact, a preset macro for *Bullet*... With the new system, to attain all 20 macros, you would have to over-write that by creating your own macro for that C+S+8 combination. It is not listed as a "in use".

*ButtonB* There's also no easy way to change the hotkeys assigned to macros in bulk... and likely you run into a few problems changing the hotkeys when you have all 20 in use.

We'll work those issues out over time.

Thanks in advance for your feedback! *Right* "Beta Tests: Comments

Best wishes,
October 1, 2010 at 12:08am
October 1, 2010 at 12:08am

          *Ghost* *Ghost* *Ghost*     Horror / Scary / October Skins!     *Ghost* *Ghost* *Ghost*

#100107 • Design: Black and White Stripes
Actions:  Try Use

#100108 • Horror/Scary: Halloween Scene
Actions:  Try Use

#100109 • Sky: Spooky Night
Actions:  Try Use

#100110 • Horror/Scary: Halloween Spiders
Actions:  Try Use

#100111 • Horror/Scary: Jack-O-Lantern Night
Actions:  Try Use

#100112 • Season: Crisp Fall Night
Actions:  Try Use

#100113 • Horror/Scary: Black Cat and Bats
Actions:  Try Use

#100114 • Horror/Scary: Haunted House
Actions:  Try Use

#100115 • Horror/Scary: Spiders and Webs
Actions:  Try Use

#100116 • Food: Candy Corn
Actions:  Try Use

#100117 • Horror/Scary: Evil Eye
Actions:  Try Use

#100118 • Holiday: Masquerade Masks
Actions:  Try Use

#100119 • Horror/Scary: Trick-or-Treat!
Actions:  Try Use

Thanks The StoryMistress for these awesome skins & themes!

These should now all be in the selection area for skins, as well as the new "Browse" listing noted in the previous blog post.

Enjoy them... if you dare!

September 28, 2010 at 3:59pm
September 28, 2010 at 3:59pm
Greetings Members!

   *Bullet* Browse Our Skins & Themes
From the "Skins & Themes" page, you'll now find a link to browse the entire list of available Skins. We've also made the "Most Popular Skins" link easier to see.

   *Bullet* "My Account" Menu Additions
Quick links to the "Skins & Themes", "Costumicons" and "Account Options" pages were missing from the "My Account" navigation menu in the left column, so they've been added! Not only does this make finding those links for use easier... it also makes telling someone else how to find them much, much easier. *Wink*

... And don't miss last night's update found in the next entry. *Down*

September 27, 2010 at 10:10pm
September 27, 2010 at 10:10pm
Greetings Members!

We have a couple great updates to tell you about that should make things a lot easier on our group leaders and other active members. Check 'em out:

  *Bullet* Pay from Group Funds

You can now pay for Awardicons, cNotes and Merit Badges with group funds! Just above the button to submit for confirmation, you'll find a selector box with any groups that you're able to use the funds from. The text to the left of it reads: "Use your own Gift Points or choose a group to fund it."

Please note that the awards, cnotes and badges still come from you as the sender... this new option only affects where the funds for the purchase come from. If you do choose to pay from a group, the purchase shows up right in the group's gift point log!

  *Bullet* Multi-Recipient Badges

You can now send the same badge to multiple recipients just by separating the recipient usernames with commas. For example, to send a badge to Writing.Com Support , The StoryMistress and Diane , you'd enter their usernames in the "To" line of the badge like this: support, storymistress, sgambill72

Badges sent using the new multi-recipient feature are exactly the same as any other badge... as if you sent them one at a time, individually.

Each badge purchase can be used to send badges to up to 5 different members. So, please be extra sure to read the "confirmation" and preview screen. You really don't want to send a typo'd badge to 5 people! *Bigsmile*

Write On,
September 23, 2010 at 2:08pm
September 23, 2010 at 2:08pm

We'm pleased to announce the winners from our "Limericks! Limericks! Limericks! 10th Birthday Contest. We had over 60 entries to this year's running, a record by far! Picking our favorites was not an easy task and we ended up with quite a few honorable mentions! *Smile*

1st Place: northernwrites

*Pawprints**Pawprints**Pawprints**Pawprints**Pawprints**Cat* Cat Magnet
Though all pets from her house must be barred,
When my mother goes out in her yard,
          Black cat jets up the street,
          Ten times circles her feet,
And complains that its life is too hard.

So she listens, which seems to suffice,
To it wish barking dogs were small mice.
          She retreats from love's threat
          As they dance a duet
With no touching, per doctor's advice.

Then the cat takes a roll on terrain
While it rumbles a happy refrain --
          Till her gardening's done,
          Shadow sprawls in the sun
Or it minces behind like her train. *Pawprints**Pawprints**Pawprints**Pawprints**Pawprints**Pawprints*

2nd Place: Malister

There once were ten Authors from Greece
Who all fell in love with my Niece
I told them to quit
And threw quite a fit
Before calling in the Police

The Sergeant was not too concerned
He told me she wouldn't get burned
"These Authors are Gents
I trust their intents
And it seems their interest was earned"

I asked my sweet Niece what occurred
To capture the heart of this Herd
She said (with some snorts)
"I reviewed their Ports...
And now they think I'm their lovebird"

3rd Place: Dana

Ten fishermaen sat on a dock
And not one was concerned 'bout the clock.
For their buckets were full
and their homes had no pull
Since their wives had ten cradles to rock.

So the sun rose and set on the ten
The most carefree and careless of men
When they finally arose
After taking a doze
Found their catch in the beak of a hen.

So this is the lesson they learned
For their spouses they should be concerned
For a wife will not wait
To present to her mate
What ever she feels he has earned.

Honorable Mention: Robin:TheRhymeMaven

King Arthur arrived with his Queen;
He smelled a foul smell - most unclean!
Ten ladies in waiting
Stood by - all debating
Whose stench was so very obscene.

Sir Lancelot, too, smelled that smell;
So Merlin - he conjured a spell.
Each time odors lingered
The culprit was fingered
Then p o o f - she was gone – fare thee well!

Honorable Mention: hopelesslyoptm

Daniel’s Coming of Age

When our baby boy was just four
He dreamed of enforcing the law
He had lots of fun
With toy badge and gun
That good guys must triumph, he saw

But by ten he had learned so much more
Bad boys are more likely to score
He predicted through fame
Supermodels he’d claim
So the clothes of a rap star he wore

Now sixteen he finds life a bore
Flipping burgers can be such a chore
His work days are long
His clothes always pong
But we know that some day he’ll do more

Honorable Mention: Nani - Blessed Indeed

When I counted from one up to ten,
The officer said do it again
But backwards this time
And make it all rhyme.
I knew trouble was what I was in.

I gave it some serious thought.
My efforts it seemed were for naught.
My syllables slurred,
And sounded absurd.
Not quite the solution I’d sought!

Honorable Mention: JACE

My grandson has made his debut,
Named Jace, he's a real cutie too,
By factor of ten,
He's proven quite zen,
A master of diaper P.U.

Honorable Mention: almanac

Of all of the men that I know,
None is more awesome than Joe.
He gave me a hen,
Eggs she laid numbered ten,
And each of the chicks loved me so.

Honorable Mention: bparatore

There once was a number named ten,
Comes around only once, not again,
Though its hidden its face,
It's base leaves a trace,
and makes itself known now and then.

Honorable Mention: A. P. Roberts

If a giggle is worth but a penny,
And a chortle is worth ten too many.
  Then what would you say,
  If I laughed all the day,
And still didn't charge you any?

Congratulation to our winners and thanks to everyone who participated!

~~SM & SMs
September 16, 2010 at 2:49pm
September 16, 2010 at 2:49pm
The following winners for the August 2010 running of "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest were chosen from the 20 entries submitted. Each entry was judged based on the criteria provided in "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. Congratulations to the following three winners:

*Star* First Place - "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
*Bullet* Second Place - "Stripped Raw"   by Vampyr14
*Bullet* Third Place - "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

Thanks to all who entered and to the judges for their time spent reading, reviewing, and deciding on the winners! *Smile*

         September's Contest is: "Ten Years Ago in 2000


September 14, 2010 at 1:17am
September 14, 2010 at 1:17am
Along with the post I just added "New Emoticons + Sorting!, I also wanted to make note in the News blog that I've rewritten the workings of our Scrolling Messages* system to make it much "smoother". The pages no longer jump and refresh on a set schedule. Instead, the page checks with the server for new messages behind the scenes and when it finds there are new scroll posts, it updates the existing page -- updating, rather than reloading the page eliminates that annoying momentary "blink of blankness" while the new page loads. The system is now able to check for new messages on the scroll more often also leading to a much better experience. *Smile*

Plus, our automated ScrollBots and their simple puzzle games are well known for their appearances during holidays and special events... giving away tons of Gift Points. The great news is that they'll have hanging in scroll full time. While the prizes and frequency will be a bit less than during holidays and events, the bots will be working overtime to give away Gift Points all day, every day.

(And don't forget to check out the post I made just prior to this one, "New Emoticons + Sorting!.)


* Scrolling Messages is accessed by opening the Instant Messenger. Click the in the left column to open our IM console and Scrolling Messages.

September 14, 2010 at 12:53am
September 14, 2010 at 12:53am

We've added sorting options to the emoticons listing. Along with the default sorting by category, you can now sort the emoticons alphabetically and by color. You'll find the links for the sorting at the top of the emoticon screen: List of WDC Emoticons

... And, here's 5 new emoticons:

          *Apple* = {e:apple}
          *Banana* = {e:banana}
          *Lemon* = {e:lemon}
          *Lime* = {e:lime}
          *Orange* = {e:orange}

Enjoy! *Bigsmile*
September 13, 2010 at 2:14am
September 13, 2010 at 2:14am
Coffee? Of course... especially with this new set of emoticons from The StoryMistress ! *Smile*

          *Coffee* = {e:coffee}

          *CoffeeB* = {e:coffeeB}
          *CoffeeBL* = {e:coffeeBL}
          *CoffeeG* = {e:coffeeG}
          *CoffeeGR* = {e:coffeeGR}
          *CoffeeO* = {e:coffeeO}
          *CoffeeP* = {e:coffeeP}
          *CoffeeR* = {e:coffeeR}
          *CoffeeT* = {e:coffeeT}
          *CoffeeV* = {e:coffeeV}
          *CoffeeY* = {e:coffeeY}

... and Happy Birthday to the StoryMistress! *Bigsmile*


September 11, 2010 at 3:25am
September 11, 2010 at 3:25am

I wanted to point out a wonderful forum, "The WDC 09-11 Memorial created by kiyasama, where members can share their experiences and memories from the day or just visit to read those of others. Having read a few of them, I can attest that they are very moving and brought back some of my own memories of the day. It's important we remember and important that we help keep those memories clear through written accounts.

Best wishes,

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