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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
Showing 901 through 925 of 1,144 total testimonials

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      Writing.Com is more than a place to read and write - Writing.Com is a family, my family; it is a community of people who gather together to celebrate the art of writing, but also, to celebrate the union of all of its members. The people are wonderful, encouraging, and inspirational; the site itself is multifaceted, giving its members so many choices and activities. It is a priviledge, and a pleasure to be a part of this phenomenal commmunity.
      I figured it was high time I updated my testimonial. I can't believe how far I have come in here on Writing.Com. I have made so many new friends and reviewed many wonderful works in here. In short, I would actually be lost without this place now. I have a place to write, and be read. I have recieved a few awards now and belong to many wonderful groups in here. There is nothing better than popping on line, signing in and find your mailbox loaded with great reviews of your work, thank you's from all over, and even just many friendly hello's. It's enough to make your day all week long. Thank you so much Writing.Com for letting me in your community. I would be lost without you.
      I love to write, and I'm always told that I have the talent to become published. I don't believe it, as I've seen much better writing than mine turned down. Writing.Com gives me an outlet to write though, a chance to better myself with honest reviews of my work, so maybe someday, I will try and publish one of my stories.
-- Native
      Writing.Com has been a great place for me to display my writing. I have met many people who I can now call my friends. I have received reliable reviews on my work. Everyone is so kind here. There are very few sites where the members are such a close-knit community. As a young author, it is great to know that you can trust the people you are talking to. I hope everyone has a great time at the convention and I wish I could be there. Thank you to the StoryMaster and StoryMistress fro moderating such a wonderful site.

      I found Writing.Com by accident. I was bored one day and had just finished my usual novel. I wanted something else to read and I've come to understand that the internet has everything these days. So I did a search on "stories" and discovered this site. After reading several items by various members I thought to myself, "Hey I could do that!" So guess what? I did! I registered for a free account (which is a great service by the way) and I was hooked! I found a sheer joy in writing and even more in hearing others' opinions of my writing. I tend to be too critical and never like anything that I write, but then I read a review of an item of mine and it just boosts my spirits to an all time high. I've come to see that my writing improves the more I write and this never would have happened without Writing.Com.

      Simple words from a simple mind: Thanks a bunch, Writing.Com!

      This is my second testimonial. But, this week, I have been promoted to Preferred Author and received an anonymous upgrade. I cannot tell you what this means to me. It makes me feel important. It makes me feel like I've finally found something that I can share with others, yet, it acknowledges me and feeds my ego. Thanks to whoever upgraded me - I'll try to make you proud! I've been a member for a little over a month now. I have to tell you, I am hooked. There is ALWAYS something new to discover at Writing.Com. It's such a learning experience and so much fun! It is far and away the best web site around. I'm enjoying meeting new people and getting my amateur work critiqued. I'm not near the writer that most of you are, but I love to share. Thanks for welcoming me with open arms!! Writing.Com Rocks!

      I recommend Writing.Com to everyone I talk to about writing. It is definitely the best writing site out there! You just won't believe the number of readers and reviewers, and the amount of feedback you receive. Some of the best writers to be found are here. Interaction is top-notch, with forums to suit your whims and daily and weekly contests. If you want to learn to be a better writer, this is the place! If you like to read, it can't be beat! If you like fun and sillyness, here it is. I've been a member for fourteen months and haven't missed a day yet!
-- esprit
      Writing.Com is fantastic. Whenever they review my output, I am left feeling better - even when they tell me it needs fixing! The people help me see my own work more clearly. There are all types here, naive readers and skilled writers. But everyone has the same goal: to write, and to support each other's writing goals. You can really feel that. Thanks, guys!

      I really am at a loss of words here. I became a member of Writing.Com a mere month and four days ago and to my astonishment have been given the gift of a basic membership, within the first three weeks!(By whom I will not disclose, yet, I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart.) Not only that, this afternoon I opened up my email to discover that I,(little ole' me) have been chosen as a Preferred Author! I sincerely would like to thank everyone here at Writing.Com ( especially The StoryMistress along w/ The StoryMaster) for the precious gift of inspiration you have transpired within me. I have been a writer for most of my life and my ultimate goal is to become published one fine day. What you have done is pushed me one step closer to achieving that goal. Thank you EVERYONE who has read, rated & reviewed my portfolio. Your open and honest feedback has encouraged me to reach out and grasp a hold of my dreams. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

      Well... let me just say I'm a person who does well with words. I can think up something to say on almost anything. However, the magnitude of wonderous things on this site leaves me speechless. There is nothing else like this site; and I don't think I want there to be. This site is special, and has touched my life in so many ways: improving my writing skills, helping me to interact with other writers, receive constructive criticism, and learning to deal with bad reviews of my pieces. This site is simply amazing!
-- da_ddq
      I've been with Writing.Com for a while now and nothing is quite like it. I still search the internet for sites even remotely similar and can't find one. This place has been sooo good for me and my writing. Everytime I meet someone, I refer them to this site, whether it be my teachers, friends, or complete strangers. Writing.Com, thank you. Thank you for everything.
      Hey there everyone! I found this site almost a year ago and have been a member ever since. With all the genres and people I find it hard not to be completely addicted to this site. The reviews given and recieved really help people grow and advance as writers. Keep up the good work, everyone, and Write On!
-- *Mel*
      The new T-Shirts are FANTASTIC! You will regret it if you don't get one. Sorry, just wanted to find a way to tell everyone. I'm still waiting for that day that a fellow member sees me wearing it and hollers. - I recently referred/recruited a friend that registered as a member of our Writing.Com ongoing workshop. As we were having an impromptu orientation session to answer questions about "how to use the tools", she casually asked, "Am I going to be bombarded with people hitting on me and wanting to 'cyber'?". I quickly said, "No". Then it dawned on me, and I turned to her and said, "No. It doesn't happen in Writing.Com. We have moderators, senior moderators, and the owners/creators walking through this site every day to insure this doesn't happen." I had not thought of this before, but we have a really nice hassle free service here in Writing.Com. Unlike most other sites you might visit.
      Writing.Com has been a great outlet since I first found it through my friend, Zeph. I was going through a tough time, and I needed somewhere to put all my emotions down before I exploded. For a long time, Zeph was the guy who got the honor (cough, cough) of reading all my endless outpourings. Finally, he told me about Stories.Com (when it was still called Stories.Com), and suggested that I put my stuff there. Since then, I've had support from a huge community of talent, and I've even made it past those hard times. Everything about this site, from each individual member to the friendly and responsive staff (props to the SM and SMs!) has been a testiment to its mission. I'm sure this community will live on for a long, long time.
-- Dris
      Since joining Writing.Com, I have had a renewed sense of purpose. It has been a great way to rate other writers, as well as, have my works rated. Thank you for creating this site.
      Writing.Com has opened up a side of me I haven't been around for 20 years. This website and the people in it have formed a writing family that motivates and encourages and supports me through all I am. I have a creative side that needs to pop out and you all have made it come alive like the sunshine on a spring flower. Thanks you from the bottom of my heart.
      I stumbled into Writing.Com recently through a Google search. To say I was impressed would be an understatement! Sites like this are rare on the Internet. What a treasure chest it is. Within a couple of days I had posted excerpts of my Christian Historical Romance novels, which had been gathering dust for years, put them in front of hundreds of thoughtful readers, and have received a boatload of helpful and encouraging feedback. Don't hesitate to register at this great site---sign up immediately. The spam-free email itself is worth it. And the minute you can upgrade, do so. I congratulate the founders of this site and am an unabashed "Raving Fan" of Writing.Com.
      Writing.Com has become an integral part of my life and has given me the opportunity to express myself freely. The support of everyone on this site has also spurred me to complete my first crime fiction novel which I'm about to send to publishers. I would've never been able to get the courage without everyone's help and support. Thanks so much, forever grateful,
      This is a really great site. The people here are not just talented but helpful and friendly as well. I have made friends in just the 3 days that I have been here and I am totally hooked on to this site. There is so much to read and not just that, I feel like just writing on end. Great site, guys; I can't wait to get my membership upgraded.
      About ten days ago I received an email from a friend (SwedenSM) suggesting that I look at her portfolio and she gave a link to this site. I looked at her work and signed up so I could rate it. The next day I put a piece of my own in my portfolio and I've been hooked ever since... reading, writing, reviewing, reading, reading... There's a lot of good writing going on and this website is a wonderful place to share it.
      This site is amazing! I have always loved to write, to the point of obsession almost. I have been wanting to publish some of my poetry, but wasn't sure how my work would be recieved. Then I found this site... It allowed me to post some of my poems, and I started getting great feedback right away. It's incredible what feedback can do for an author. It gave me the motivation I needed to write more poetry, and improve what I had already written. It's thanks to this site that I am preparing to get some of my poems published, hopefully this summer... Thank you so much for this wonderful site! It is great to be connected with so many other great writers! *Smile*
      A fantastic site that has given me a reason to write down my daydreams, and coupled with tonnes of friendly people that review, hardly a day goes by without logging in!
      Writing.Com has been a godsend to me. In the last few years, I've written many stories and poems, but I've only dared to show a few to my friends and family in case they were able to read past the lines and into parts of my life that are very private to me. Here, I can show all my stories, because the people here are just reviewers to my writing, and not able to judge me according to what I write; nor can they discover things about me that I wish to keep quiet. This place is a chance for me to be myself - it's something I've wanted to be for a long time.
Thank you SO much to the website and to all the people here who have helped me become a better writer in only a month!
      I have been a member of Writing.Com for several months now and while my writing urges come in fits and spurts, I have an almost insatiable hunger for reading. I love the fact that I can sign on and read literally anything!
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