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Member Testimonials
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      I love this web site. I have been a member for just anout a year or more. I love to write and this site also introduced me to the girl I love. Thanks Writng.Com.
      Writing.Com is a wonderfully addictive writing community where all levels of writers can pool their resources and experiences, while continually encouraging and guiding one another to improve. This innovative site has helped motivate me to further nourish my imaginative muse and develop my writing ability into my young adult life. There's so much to do at Writing.Com, so if you're ever bored here, you're not exploring enough.
      Just want to say how much I appreciate Writing.Com. I've gained tougher skin when receiving reviews, and I've learned a lot about my own writing by giving reviews. There is so much opportunity for creating and trying new things. All this in a safe and fun-filled community! I'm happy to be a part of it.
      When I first found Writing.Com, I was so overwhelmed I just let it sit on my computer Favorites List for a few days. Then I got up my courage, joined and read over the FAQS. Now I'm on almost every single day and I enjoy it so much. My creativity has expanded, and this has been a tremendous answer to prayer. I've found fellow Christians to connect with, which is so rare on a mainstream site. And I have learned how to write poetry! I've really learned so much here and I haven't had to pay a dime. This is the only writing site that I've ever found that allows you to earn your membership or that has members who are willing to help pay for your membership. Truly amazing! While you're not going to find everything perfect here, this is the best writing site that I've ever found. You can start your own writing and discussion groups within it, and there's always plenty of inspiration and conversations to join in. The only negative, if it can even be called a negative, is that there's so many ideas it can make your head spin. Now that's an area of writing that I enjoy being in!
      WOW...I didn't know that I could become so addictive to writing. I didn't even know I COULD write. In an attempt to try to find out what my life is about, (over and above being a wife, and a mother, and working to financially satisfy both roles) I came across THIS site and immediately joined in for a free membership. The creative juices that I didn't know existed (I had only written a couple of poems)began flowing and I couldn't stop. I was distraught when I ran out of space to post my "masterpieces" and upgraded after only 5 days. I have spent every spare waking moment on this site and have enjoyed it immensely. I look forward to contributing more, as I become accustomed to how everything works. I am truly thankful for finding you, and if I don't go any further than this, the support and encouragement I receive here is more than I had before, and has turned my life into something more interesting.
Thank you for that !
-- semara
      Writing.Com provides a place to write. Everybody knows that. What you really need to know about it is that it's a place where you can take your writing to places you never have before. And all along the road you get people's opinions on everything you write. It is so fantastic and I am grateful to be a part of it.
      I've been a member since Stories.Com but hadn’t been very active. But this summer I needed a break from everything, having been burnt to something unrecognizably past charcoal. This site has poured cooling water on my wounds. I’ve yet to find a disagreeable unhelpful person. I need feedback on my writings and had been worrying that once I finally graduated this semester I’d be unable to get good peer feedback. But, now I know that’s not the case. I’ve enjoyed this site immensely and some days I forget to check my other email for reviewing stuff on here. Thank you Writing.Com for this opportunity. This community of helpful writers has put wind beneath my tattered wings and allowed me to soar again. Bless you all.
      Finding Writing.Com was one of the greatest things that I did in my 11 years of life! I was searching by askjeeves.com when I saw the site. Then I asked my mom for a membership, not knowing how great the site would actually be. I've been a Writing.Com member for five months now, and I absolutely love it! I would never have gotten so noticed this early in my life if it weren't for Writing.Com. I've had 54 great portfolio views and reviews, all thanks to Writing.Com! I've entered contests, and written new stories. Writing.Com really encourages me.
I've also helped people, by reviewing them. It feels good to know that just for a short review, you may have really helped that person. Also, for helping someone, you get helped, with stuff like the review mixer! I love Writing.Com!
      This is to all the guests visiting Writing.Com!
Come join the fun! Read, write and review. It is the best site on the net.
      At least most of us have days we wonder if we're insane for being on this quest. I've found the best cure for those days, other than maybe a dose of every day life, is to log in to Writing.Com and read and review other authors on the same quest. On days I can't write, I find a fun survey or interactive story and just enjoy fraternizing with other authors. On days I begin to feel like I'm wasting my time, I read back through some of the wonderful reviews and change my mind again. I commend the site owners for everything they are doing for the world of writing. What they offer for free is so much more than most sites offer for a fee. Thank you, StoryMaster and StoryMistress!
      This is my third month here now, and Writing.Com is still great! I have won a few contests and made a few new friends. I am having a great time here at Writing.Com and I say to anyone browsing here it is well worth the time!!!
      I became a registered author merely a few weeks ago, and already I have received more than two dozen extremely kind reviews. As a person wanting to share what I've created, I was a bit worried about my talents as a writer... mainly if they were truly, "talents," or if they were falsities in my mind. Writing.Com has changed all of that, and I've found nothing but open arms embracing my works and myself; it is a wonderful feeling. Thanks to everyone who participates!
      Oh my gosh! I love Writing.Com! In the two years or so since I first started writing seriously I have tried to find a site that would allow me to put up as much of my work as I wanted for free and get me great reviews too. I found [another site] but that was only for fan fiction. I found [another site] but I hardly got any reviews there. I found [another site] and discovered that I couldn't put up any work without buying an upgrade. And somewhere in there I found Writing.Com. Here I could get a free membership and post up to five items plus get great, helpful reviews. When I got the free premium trial I got more benefits (extra port space and access to Chat, where I have made many, many friends). I saved GPs for a one-month Upgraded membership and, a few months ago, my dad bought me a year-long Basic membership. I was ecstatic!!! I could create more items, I could visit my friends in Chat, I felt free as a bird. I love this site!!!
      When I was younger I was never really into writing and anything that dealt with it. But on coming from this site, I found how well of a writer I am. Writing.Com has helped me a lot in finding the poet and story writer in me. Though I only got three items on this site, I have many more out of the site that I will submit soon. Thank you, Writing.Com for helping find the writer in me and allow me to start a novel.
-- Spirit
      Before I discovered Writing.Com, I mainly posted my work on [another site] and I got some nasty reviews. This discouraged me and caused writer's block. I stopped posting my work on the internet because I was afraid of getting more nasty reviews. Then I found Writing.Com through a link from nanowrimo.org and I got encouraged. I browsed the site and I saw no nasty revies anywhere. I posted a poem in my portfolio and received many positive, helpful reviews. I now have many ideas for stories and have almost no problem with writer's block because of high self esteem.
      I feel like I´ve finally come home.
-- AL
      I have been a member of various online writing communities, but none come close to Writing.Com. The other communities seemed to foster nothing but bashing. There was no such thing as a support system. Here, I've found nothing but support! Before joining, I had almost run out of steam. I was ready to give up writing all together for a wide variety of reasons. This site has jump-started me again. The community is positive, intelligent, and fun. Thanks to everyone at Writing.Com!
      I think Writing.Com is not only a gift, but an enormous learning experience. Although I am attending school f/t, work p/t and do volunteer work in the summer, I still see it as being an important piece to my puzzle! Thank you all for putting so much effort into it! I give the staff an A!
      After being a member of this site for only 5 days, I am AMAZED at how it has impacted me as a writer. I was afraid to submit my work at first, but after the flood of encouraging feedback I received I gained a whole new level of confidence in myself. Now I am writing more pieces then ever before (and actually letting people read them)! Thank You from the bottom of my heart, your site has brought us aspiring authors together in such a unique way, I could never repay what you have give me.
      Several years ago, I attended a writing camp that left me discouraged. The camp councilors suggested that while my writing was "decent", I would never get anywhere. I almost quit writing at that point, and as I was later married and made a mother, my hobby slipped by the wayside. One afternoon, however, I was compelled to type--purely out of the sake of curiosity--"writing.com" to see what came up, if anything. Here I was! I was skeptical, as I hesitate to join internet communities, but I kept coming back for another look. Quickly, I was hooked, and I haven't left since! Now a preferred author, I tackle my writing daily through journals, groups, reading, reviewing, and the support from the community in general. My writing has improved, and I sleep better at night! Thank you, Writing.Com!
      Yippee, it's my first year with Writing.Com and I just love this site more each day. Although I don't get to write as much these days, boring work and daily tasks get in the way, I still allow myself a little time to search this site. I learn new things everytime I log in.
My grateful thanks to all who have taken the time to read and review my jottings, the feedback has been wonderful. I look forward to seeing Writing.Com grow and grow in the years to come.
-- emma m
      Writing.Com has provided support and information about writing that I never thought I would find on the internet. EVERYONE who aspires to write should find comfort here!
      I'm finding myself more and more excited about this site. Unfortunatly my writing is not attuned to the people I physically know, so it is hard to find decent feedback that is not tainted with uncomfortable fore-knowledge. This site has enabled me to get broader feedback on my writing. Thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed me, and thanks you all to those who have brightened my day with their words!
      I have taken a few writing courses but I am gaining a great deal more from becoming a member of Writing.Com. I can read an incredible variety of authors and I learn from every one that I read. At the same time I am getting reviews of my work that I vaule and respect. If you love to write or just like to read, this is the best place to be!
      ...when I first came / To Writing.Com / I was a stranger /
(aren’t we all!) / I posted shyly / My first poem / Five minutes later / There came a comment! / It made me happy / It made me glad / I was encouraged / And that was fun! / From that day forward / I made new friends / I’ve read some stories / Well written and said! / I am so grateful / To be a part, / Of a community / So radiant!
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