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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
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      I am a very introverted person and I don't like having people see me vunerable. The idea of even showing anyone any of my work was unheard of. I began to think that this might hinder me in the future so I decided to jump in heads first. I accidentally found this site and immediately felt welcomed. But the clincher for me was when the first person sent me gift points for my poem. I thought that they were nuts, but more people kept sending them. Thanks to Stories.Com I feel like I have something to offer now.
      I've been a member here at Stories.Com since November of 2000. It's a great site for reading, writing, collaborating, and getting help with what you're working on. The people here are so supportive of your work and helpful when there are things you need to improve. It's been a great experience to be a part of this community. Also, the wide variety of tools available at this site are mind-boggling. You can do so many different things in so many different ways, there's no way your creativity could ever go stale.
-- Verm
      There are few places on the web that I have come to love as much as I do Stories.Com. I can't even begin to convey how happy I am that my husband found it and introduced it to me. Stories.Com is not only a website for writers, it is a community and a family. It doesn't matter if you have written 1000 pieces or are just considering writing. Stories.Com will let you read some of the world's most talented writers and help give you ideas for your own stories. There are contests to give you that little push to get started and forums to talk to other writers when you get stuck. I would recommend Stories.Com whole heartedly to anyone... and usually do!
-- *Moni
      I love Stories.Com. I've always been an avid writer and reader, and here I find things to read and a place for me to post my writing. I really feel like I've become a better writer since I joined here, and I love the community of authors we have. I have had nothing but excellent experiences here, and I highly recommend the site to anyone who ever picked up a book. Keep up the fantastic work!
-- Tenea
      Not only do I love Stories.Com for myself, but also because they allow, support, and encourage young writers as well! I have two young children who have created accounts here, and found very generous and supportive readers of their work. Of course, it's wonderful to get insightful comments and critiques of my own writing, but it's also a very special thrill to see my children's eyes light up, and to see their beginning love of writing nourished and inspired. Thanks to the creators of this site and the warm community of readers and fellow writers!
-- Ariel
      I love Stories.Com because I have always wanted the chance to get my writing more well known, and to get non-biased opinions of all my work. I feel that my writing has improved since I began putting my work on here and being given an anon upgrade has really given me the boost I need to continue my writings. I also enjoy reading the work of other authors, becasue I feel I can learn a lot from what they write. Thank you Stories.Com for giving me the opportunity to do these things.
      It's very difficult to describe exactly what Stories.Com means to its members, even if we are all writers! It's not just a place where we have the opportunity to read some of the finest writers on the net, and make our own additions, but a real community with the opportunity to make real friends and genuinely feel a part of something. There are no words to describe Stories.Com - it just is!!!!
-- Andrea
      It is exactly a year and one month that I have been with Stories.Com. So I'm talking from experience, an experience that has been wonderful for me. This place is more than a site, it is a community of writers who goad, cajole, and encourage one another to come up with the best possible writing within their power. The camaraderie of teaching, learning, and encouraging produces far better writers than even those higher education sites can boast of.
The best thing about Stories.Com is that it is for people at any age who are serious about writing- students, professionals, and seasoned writers alike. A site as expertly run as this one rightfully deserves a lot of respect. That is to say, that it has some rules for the community to function well. Since I've been with Stories.Com, my command of the English language has improved and my enthusiasm for writing has doubled. In my opinion, Stories.Com is a site light years ahead of its time.
      I must say, I really do appreciate all that the Storymistress and the Storymaster do and have done, to keep this site running smoothly! I am absolutely addicted, and have no idea what I'd do without it. (why, without it, I'd be doomed to watching Gilligan's Island re-runs, cutting out paper dolls, and speculating endlessly on the next baseball strike! Yikes!) I think it's important that Stories.Com members be aware of all the work that the creators of this site actually do...and although they don't blow their own "horns"...I know I always appreciate updates and any info about how things actually work around here. Even for a crusty old loner like myself....they have worked a miracle...which is having created a place within which a sense of community can blossom. (not an easy task)!
      I've met some wonderful and talented people here. Everyone you interact with seems to be intent on helping you to become a better writer. What a great learning experience!
-- Piglet
      I am so excited to be a part of such a wonderful community. Today I was promoted to Preferred Author! I haven't been so excited since the birth of my last child. I consider Stories.Com the best site available for Writers and Readers. I can't pass the computer without logging on to this site. The members are the most friendly and helpful people I've ever seen. I've always taken my writing seriously, but since I started writing on Stories.Com, I am not only producing more writing, but more quality writing. I've taken 3 at home writing courses at a costly price and I've learned more here in the last month, than I've ever learned with the courses. Thank You all so much for creating this wonderful site.
      Since I accidentally stumbled upon Stories.Com, I have gotten addicted to it. I check in twice every day and never missed a single day. This site made me write for the first time. The amount of feedback I received from my friends kept driving me to keep on writing. What more can I say but 'Thank you' Stories.Com for helping me realize a talent I thought I never had... and I hope to dear God that I really do continue writing 'cause it has helped more than I could explain in mere words.
      I feel that creating things of beauty, things that people enjoy is the only valuable aim in existance. If I can share my vision, my dream with others, so that they may feel its joy, its emotion, it adds to the joy of creating, of expressing myself. However, as I consider art, whatever its nature may be, to be extremely personal and emotionally involving, I don't believe it can really be sold, as changing it to comply to customer wishes and popular demand would only lead to heartache. Therefore, it is wonderful to have a place like Stories.Com, where we can share our dreams, without having to worry about any commercial necessities like popular demand, current fashion, and the like.
      WOW!! Nothing is better then finding a warm friendly story to curl up to in front of the fire.. errr monitor. Print it! Then go to the fire. Ha! This community has been nothing but family love to me. Everyone is amazing, warm and friendly... Ummm... oh yeah, they are ususally writers or readers. Seriously, I couldn't live without Writing.Com, it's my home. Thanks so much for providing me a place to come and sit down and write about anything I wanted to without having tons of paper scattered around the house. You're a Godsend.
      I think this is my third or fourth testimonial . . I've lost count. I've been here over three years now and still can't come up with the right words to describe what this site has done for me! A site this good begs you to come back when you've been away for awhile, and no matter where you go it's nice to know that your friends are here. There's never a dull moment at Writing.Com!
      Thank you, Stories.Com! I've been here about a week and a half. I've made friends through interactive stories. I've won third place in a contest. I've gotten gift point gifts that more than doubled my total. I've posted some of my work and recieved constructive, supportive comments from the community. I can't keep away from this site! I don't know what I did before I found you guys, but I know what I'll be doing long after. Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you!
      Since finding Stories.Com, I have been so engrossed in reading and writing, that I have completed forgotten how I found you. Finding Stories.Com has been such an enlightening experience for me. I've recommended Stories.Com to several of my friends. Three of them joined, but only one has gotten around to submitting stories. But the others will come around. The folks on here have been so helpful. If you teach young children in church or Sunday school, check out grandmapenny's portfolio. My grandchildren have taught me so much about what helps them learn. I'd like to share this with you. To all of Stories.Com I send my heartfelt thanks!

      After chancing on a link to Stories.Com, in less than an hour I was putting my work in a portfolio as a Registered Author. Soon, I began to meet other people here and I like to say that I've found an extended family here that I didn't even know I had. But the best part of all is that I'm having fun and writing my fool head off!!!
      I didn't really hear about Stories.Com; I was just surfing the internet one day and decided to see if there was a website called Stories.Com. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that the website would be so wonderful. Every single feature of the site is a feature I enjoy to the maximum. It's wonderful!!!
      It has been said that "the pen is mighter than the sword". This site has proven that to be true in more ways than one. I am so happy to have found a site that I can channel my creative abilities, pick people's brains, challenge people's opinions or just give them something good to read! In addition I am able to fulfill my passion of writing, first of all for myself and secondly for those that like to read! Thanks, Stories.Com. Shakespeare would be proud. *Smile*
      I had long been searching for a forum for my writing to be seen and rated, and I am rejuvinated now that I have found Stories.Com. I look forward to reading other authors' work and getting feedback on my own.
      Stories.Com is where I come when I seek comfort and solace... after I log in, I sense life and comradeship, and excitement wells up. I have been a writer in my mind since I was four years old. My thoughts have always talked to me and demanded recognition but only within the past five years have I acknowledged their insistence and allowed them to speak. At Stories.Com, I've found people who understand my writing and are willing to honestly review it. I met soul mates, read stories and poems that put the library shelves to shame, and feel a sense of belonging. Thank you Story Master and Story Mistress and the staff for creating a free literary paradise.
      Over a year ago, a friend sent me an email with the link to this site. I took a look, figured it would be interesting, and had signed up and posted my first item within 10 minutes. Almost instantly, my work was being reviewed and rated--I couldn't believe it! Now, Stories.Com is a bit of an obsession for me. I've made several new friends and I've found many pieces of writing that have just blown me away. There is so much talent here! Thank you for making such a great site.
      Thanks to my wonderful instructor at Virtual University; Stories.Com is my home station. It's so cool to be able to come here anytime I want and find everything I need to read a marvelous new book or start one of my very own in my free, very impressive portfolio provided by Stories.Com for its registered members. But what's even better is the easy access to a whirlwind of forums, contest and discussion groups that are all reader-writer friendly and any problem you might have can be solved because of the friendly (authors) and (web-host). I know I'm going on too much but I always seem to log out of this wonderful site....wanting more!
-- star
      I was introduced to Stories.Com only a week or so ago by an online friend and poet. Since that time I have spent hours reading and reviewing. I even began writing in my journal again after a long hiatus. My chat friends have probably been wondering if I died, ha ha. Thank you Minstrel for telling me about stories. Now I will never run out of interesting reading.
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