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Member Testimonials
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      Never ever have I felt the freedom I have here... this is the ultimate place to expose the feelings and emotions that I have experienced in this life without feeling as if I have stuck my neck on the chopping block. Thanks to all of those who have taken time out of their busy lives to share a moment of their time reading the words I've assembled. Once again thanks, Stories.Com!
      Stories.Com allows me to post my stuff and receive almost instant feedback! It gives me confidence and advice, and I have even been donated two months' upgraded membership by generous people. The gift point system is fab, the surveys are fab, the forums are fab, the people are FAB! I love you guys, I love this place!
      I just recently began to start posting my stories on the net. Although I've been doing it for the past few years, I never seem to have found the 'desire/drive' to post it in a serious and consistent manner (I know that may be grammatically incorrect, but I've no other word for it :)). I found out about Stories.Com from a friend of mine, and I was shocked to discover the differences between the other websites I used to go to and Stories.Com. Then someone just gave me a great review and I'm over the moon with it! There's something about Stories.Com that keeps me writing, and I'm glad. Whenever I don't have inspiration, I walk
around the site and see countless of other stories, all waiting and begging to be read. Stories.Com is truly one of a kind, and as soon as I get some moolah, I'm upgrading :) To all those who maintain Stories.Com, especially the
newsletter, THANK YOU! and to those visiting for the first time, have fun! There's nothing better than reading true, CREATIVE stories that you'll find here! :)
      I found this site by accident when looking for something to read. I typed in 'stories' in the address bar and up came this site. I saved it to favs to look at later after mailing to a friend and forgot about it. A few days later my friend said she had joined and it was great. She advised me to enter some stories I had been sending for her amusement, so I did. That was just twenty days ago and already one of them has been awarded an 'AWARDICON'!!! I have been getting 5 star ratings and have been encouraged to write more! I recommend this site to any writer, even if the Americans do have funny accents! LOL
      I joined Stories.Com a few months ago, but never took enough interest in it. I soon forgot and lost my old username and password, so, upon returning this month, I thought I had totally lost any chances at being a part of this site. But then, I created a new name and password, and finally became an interested member in the Stories.Com community. Although I have only really been active for the past few weeks, I have read so many great stories, received awesome reviews for my writing in which I never expected, and gotten to read and rate excellent pieces of work, which I hope will fuel the author to write more. I hope one day I will have the courage to write a review-I've never really been too good at that. Overall, this website and its members have opened me up to sharing my work and helping others. Thanks for that. I hope to upgrade one of these days and do many more cool things!
-- MJ
      For many years I used to grab my pen, paper and flashlight and lock myself in my proverbial closet. I honestly believed that no one would want to read my writings. That was until a friend of mine literally turned the light on for me. That light was Stories.Com and this great website has illuminated my desires to write more and more everyday.
      November 10, 2004 marks my unofficial 4-year anniversary here at Writing.Com, and boy what a part of my life it has been since then. Writing has always been a passion of mine, but that passion increased a hundredfold when I randomly typed in Stories.Com. The site drew me in from the start, and it has only grown since. No day is complete without a visit to this community. This website is more than a site, as any member will tell you. It is a close-knit group of friends, no, family who help, support and encourage their fellow writers, and encourage others to do the same. Perhaps the best thing about this site, is that we are not elevated by our abilities to write, but by our desire to help others in the community.
      Stories.Com inspires reviews, invites writers, and grows everyday. What remarkable power I hold touching the lives of so many. Thank you Stories.Com for creating a community of writers. Though I may not always show it, I really enjoy this site. Keep moderating!
      Let's see. What do I like about Stories.Com - just about everything! What I like most are the friends I've made here. It's a great community to develop your work in. Before this I was leery of showing anyone my writing, but now I thrive on comments given by others here. They help my writing grow, even if it takes me a bit to use the information given to me.. that's just me being lazy. Anyway! I also love the campfires. It's a great way to write a Co-authored story and I've fallen in love with them!
They're great fun and a good way to interact with other Stories.Com members! Well I think I'm done now! That's what I love about Stories.Com and I'm glad that I found this site!
      I came upon this site by accident while looking for fantasy site. In a guestbook, I saw some who had an email that ended
with "stories.com". It sounded cool so I came to check it out. It wasn't quite what I expected though. It was WAY BETTER!! When I saw what this site was for I had to sign-up! It's let me show some of my stuff to more people. I love getting ratings and comments on my stuff! It makes me feel so good about what I do. It makes me feel like I'm not wasting time after all, like I'm sometimes told. This is a place where I actually fit in. I LOVE IT!!!
      I am so glad that I found this site. I have been wrtting for about six years. I started when I was in the VA hospital , they told use to write out our feelings and mine happen to come out in the form of poetry. I never did think myself much of a writer I was named poet of the year in 1998 by the Famous poet society from Hollywood Calif. I have been getting such great pointers and all from the folks on this site. I feel very honored to be a memeber of this fine group. I'm known as the Vetpoet I am a disabled vietnam vet , and I get to spend a lot of time online and this is the site where I am most of the time. Thanks again for letting me join your group.
      As Stories.Com has blossomed to become Writing.Com I felt obliged to re-write my testimonial in order to celebrate and emphasize the fact that this writing community is growing and improving day by day. As this ever expanding site blooms, my writing skills do also. I can’t thank Writing.Com enough for the changes it’s made not only on the site but in my life as a whole. I’m not exaggerating when I say that Writing.Com is addictive and I hate it when a day goes by that I can’t log on!
      I think I'm addicted... three logins a day? It's such a cool site though: I write a lot, but I'm really shy about showing it to anyone in case it's really bad. But here, nobody knows who I am and if my stories flop, well, I can delete them. It's also a good place to get inspiration from; campfires, other people's stories, poems, that kind of thing.
      As I write, it is June 4th, 2002 - exactly one year and one day after I found this remarkable site on the internet. I've been perpetually hooked, logging on almost every day since that lucky day, 366 days ago. Stories.Com has
meant so much to me as a writer, for never before had I been able to not only expose my own writings, but read and learn from the writings of other authors. It's been pure medicine for my muse since day one. I write to attempt at showing my appreciation for Stories.Com, but I'll never be able to accomplish that, even if I tried for many more years. Stories.Com, one of the few sites that is not a waste of cyberspace, but a jewel.
      I was devastated when Themestream left the net. I had about 100 stories published there and about 50 people who were subscribers. I was only there for 4 months, but one of my stories was ready by over 500 people. After that, I put up my own web site at About.com, but they soon decided they weren't doing personal web sites. I'm a member at a few other writing sites similar to this one, but I do love Stories.Com best of all. Here, there are people of all walks of life. Here, our writing is treated as "works
of heart." Even when criticism is due, our members dish it out kindly.
-- Kenzie
      I LOVE this site. It's what I've been looking for. I have so many things I've written and find it hard to ask my friends and family to look at it and tell me what they think. But here, I can write to my hearts content and get honest reviews. It has boosted my confidence tremendously. I love constructive criticism and really take it to heart. Thanks a million to Stories.Com and to all the wonderful people I've met so far.
      I found Stories.Com as I searched the web trying to find someone to read my work. As I've sent several stories to publishers and been rejected, I just wanted to put the stories somewhere to be read until publication, which is something that I continue to strive for much like most of the writers at Stories.Com. I enjoy the diverse aspects of additions to my portfolio, such as campfires, journals, images, in and outs, mad libs. There are a lot of avenues for creativity made available which I was attracted to from the beginning. I enjoy the groups because I am able to give and receive feedback about writing and life in general.
-- Tami
      When the Stories.Com screen comes on, I feel like I've arrived home! I put my feet up, sip my coffee and read the mail. Then check out my favourite spots, sometimes putting my own 2 cents worth in. And of course, do some very enjoyable reading, reviewing and writing, and generally just hang out for a while.
      Although Stories.Com wasn't the first writing website I've come across, it's definitely the best one. None of the others have features that even come close in comparison. And while the other sites are slowly losing features, Stories.Com is gaining them! Also, the people here are great... I have yet to receive a flame from anyone here. Stories.Com is the greatest writing site on the net!
      For a long time I tried to write fiction, but with no one to read it and offer feedback, I gave up. Then I accidentally discovered Stories.Com, and I was able to write again! I love getting comments! Comments help me so much, now I know what I need to pay more attention to when I write. I also love reading other people's work. I have been on Stories.Com for two months, and I love it so much! Stories.Com is by far, the best writing community on the Internet. I have finally found the creative outlet I needed. Thank you so much!
      I had my first published credit at the age of 15 when a short story of mine was published. A year later, two of my early poems were published. I have had (mostly) difficulty getting stuff published since then. Then, I found this site. I can't believe that such a site exists. I also find it hard to believe that I didn't discover this site sooner. I used to be a member of themestream.com until its demise in mid-April of 2001, and I thought I would never find a site like that...until this year, when I discovered
Stories.Com. I hope that this site and other sites like it remain in existence for a very long time.
      I've been a member here for quite a while, but I never really dove in until last week. I haven't been off the internet since, and my family is begging like crazy to use the phone! Too bad! ;)
      Since I came across Stories.Com, I can not help but to be
addicted. There are new things happening all the time,
new features, new writers, new amazing things to read.
This site has encouraged me to write more, read more
and appreciate new kinds of writing I normally thought I
would have never been interested in. There are so
many great writers on this site, that it keeps you
pushing yourself to the next level of writing.
      I swear by Stories.Com. I am so addicted to this site it's amazing. I finally found a place i can put my writings, and not feel embarassed. In the 3 months I have been here, I've seen helpful people and some angels. I was given an upgrade, became a preferred author, and made more friends than I can count. Everyone is so helpful and willing to go out of their ways to provide assistance. The contest, groups, and so many other things are great. My fellow authors, be them black, yellow, blue, purple, or red, are fantastic.
      Stories.Com is like an old friend. You need to be regularly in touch so that you don't miss anything that's going on, and you must give it lots of love and attention so that you can stay close. Stories.Com has enhanced my life tremendously and if , for any reason I am unable to logon, even for one single day, I miss it! A special thank you to Mr. Storymaster and Ms. Storymistress for all that they do and continue to do for the site and its members.
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