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August 8, 2009 at 4:13pm
August 8, 2009 at 4:13pm
Based on further member "feedback" on blogging and commenting, we've added a new "Email Private Comment" option to the blog comment area. This allows you to send a quick note back to the blogger without having it posted publicly and without having anyone notified that the comment was sent... except, of course, for the blogger. *Wink*

This seems to be a great compromise that allows both members like myself who want notifications and those members who just want to easily send private comments back to those writing the blog. Personally, I do not have time to follow up on blogs I'm interested in, but I do sincerely want to hear what other writers have to say about certain topics. After all, I read all the comments before I post a comment, so I sure do want to know the comments that come after I comment. We understand others are looking to keep their blogging a little more private. Blogs also differ from forums in that blog comments do not change the update time of a blog, (as they should not). So following a blog in your favorites does not alert you to follow up commenting.

Also, from the blog comment area, we've added a direct link to the "Edit Preferences" area, allowing anyone to quickly and easily set their preference for Blog Comment notifications.

Best wishes,
August 8, 2009 at 2:24pm
August 8, 2009 at 2:24pm

We've added a new selector to the Mail Group tool that allows the member sending the email to the group to select a "minimum group level" in order to determine which members will receive the email ... In other words, one select from options of "All members", "Level 2+", "Level 3+", etc. up to "Level 14+".

For each option, the system shows how many group members would be emailed if that option was used.

**Tip: Along with this option, we've had requests to be able to exclude members from a mailing -- say in the case of a group trying to organize a surprise for one of their group members. For most groups, this tool allows you to do this by taking the following steps: 1) Set the member you're trying to surprise down to Level 1 -- no notification is sent to members when they're level is changed within a group. 2) Mail the group with the "Level 2+" option. 3) Reset the group member to their original level. This fails for groups actively using level 1; in which case we'd recommend that group consider using level 2 as the minimum "normal" level for the group. *Smile*


August 7, 2009 at 10:08pm
August 7, 2009 at 10:08pm
Greetings Members,

Now available for Premium Members+: Photos for Book Entries!

After adding an entry or chapter to a book, you can click the Add Photos link to quickly and easily add photos directly to that entry/chapter. While this can be used for any type of Book Item, it is particularly handy for "Photo Blogging"; the act of blogging through photos.

Once you've added photos, they'll be tagged to the end of the entry. If you wish to embed them somewhere within the entry, just use the {sphoto:}, {mphoto:} or {lphoto:} WritingML to add them. When the system sees that you've embedded a photo in that entry, it will not tag that photo to the end of the entry.

Photos added to book items count toward your total photo storage space.
(For Premium that is 500 photos -- just increased from 250! And remember, photos do NOT count as items; photo space is "on top of" your portfolio item space.)

Todo: Better management of the photos added to entries, like the management system in Photo Album items themselves

As always, I welcome your feedback, suggestions, etc for this new feature.

*Note* Please note this is a beta release for additional testing by members that use it. I've been playing with this feature for a few months with my personal blog, so I'm fairly confident there are no terrible bugs, there are probably things that have been overlooked to date.

On a personal note, as I've found myself with less and less (and less) time, I've turned to posting photos in my blog to preserve those memories I might otherwise not have time to write about. So, when time is a factor, a picture is worth a lot more words than no words at all. When you just don't have the time to write, blog a photo!

Best wishes,

August 7, 2009 at 9:12pm
August 7, 2009 at 9:12pm

We've added an Account Preference for the new comment notifications...

To set the preference, visit your "My Account" -> "Edit Preferences" area...
Or follow this link:

On that page, look for Blog Comment Notifications...

*Bullet* For those who want no "also commented" notifications at all:
         ... choose Blog Notifications Off

*Bullet* For those who want notifications with the checkbox checked by default:
         ... choose Blog Notifications On - Default Checked

*Bullet* For those who want notifications with the checkbox NOT checked by default:
         ... choose Blog Notifications On - Default NOT Checked

*Note* Coming next, the ability to stop receiving notifications from a comment where you previously had checked the box. Given the sincere problem this feature caused for people, I felt it was most important to get them the above preference as quickly as possible and we'll get to the "one-off" issue next.

Best wishes,
August 7, 2009 at 1:34am
August 7, 2009 at 1:34am
*Star* New for blogs and book commenting: *Star*

         Notify Me When Someone Else Comments

Now when you're submitting a comment to a blog, a pre-checked box sets you up to receive an on-site email notifier with new comments to that same blog entry. If you don't want to be notified, just uncheck the box. The box is checked by default because it will be the most popular choice. *Wink*

Enjoy! *Smile*

July 16, 2009 at 12:40pm
July 16, 2009 at 12:40pm
We had a wide variety of entries this month. Thanks to everyone who entered and to the judges for the time they spent reading and selecting the winners!

The following winners for the June 2009 running of "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest were chosen from the 49 entries submitted. Each entry was judged based on the criteria provided in "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. Congratulations to the following three winners:

*Star* First Place - "The Call of a Whale"   by NickiD89
*Bullet* Second Place - "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor
*Bullet* Third Place - "Apocrypha"   by 🌕 HuntersMoon

June 17, 2009 at 1:45pm
June 17, 2009 at 1:45pm
As an add-on to the Group Review Affiliation system, we've added a link to the most actively reviewing groups on the "Reviewing" pages... Or you can visit it directly at:

Review On,

June 15, 2009 at 3:00pm
June 15, 2009 at 3:00pm
The following winners for the May 2009 running of "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest were chosen from the 34 entries submitted. Each entry was judged based on the criteria provided in "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest. Congratulations to the following three winners:

*Star* First: "Promise of Tomorrow"   by Mara ♣ McBain
*Bullet* Second: "You Can Sleep While I Drive"   by Shannon
*Bullet* Third: "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

Thanks to all who entered and a special thanks to the judges for reviewing and selecting the top entries.

June 15, 2009 at 12:43pm
June 15, 2009 at 12:43pm
Greetings Members,

We've added a new feature called Group Review Affiliations.

Group leaders can edit their group item and activate the Group Review Affiliation setting. Once activated, when members of the group give a review, they will find a new selection menu where they can select a group to affiliate their review with.

Groups that activate the new affiliation setting will have a link from their Group's main page to a listing of the public reviews affiliated with that group. Each affiliated Public Review shows an "In Affiliation With" line on the review page that links back to the affiliated group.

Coming soon: Groups that are using the Group Scoring System will be able to specify automatic scoring for any reviews affiliated to their group. We'll be providing links and listings for the groups with review affiliations, as well as some activity rankings. We'll also create some tools to help group leaders and those running contests make better use of this new system. *Smile*

*Note* This feature is NEW and just out of testing, so please report any bugs in "Bug Reporting.

Thanks and Review On!

May 26, 2009 at 3:40pm
May 26, 2009 at 3:40pm
The following winners for the April 2009 running of "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest were chosen from the 24 entries submitted. Each entry was judged based on the criteria provided in "Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest. Congratulations to the following three winners:

*Star* First Place - "Warm Peach Pie"   by IndigoChain
*Bullet* Second Place - "Resistance is Futile"   by silverfeathers
*Bullet* Third Place - "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

Thanks to the entrants for all the wonderful stories and thanks to the judges for making a very difficult decision!


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