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Member Testimonials
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      Even as a brand new member to Writing.Com, I am already singing its praises. When I first found this site, it seemed to have everything I was looking for as an aspiring writer, but I was initially overwhelmed by the wealth of information and figured surely I would be lost and my work would go unnoticed with so many members. However, I am happy to say my experience has been just the opposite. I immediately received some helpful reviews that same day as well as offers of assistance in navigating the site. Even though I know I am only one of hundreds, it feels like all this special attention was directed my way. It's a very encouraging and supportive environment, and I'm already more motivated as a writer than I was just days ago before I joined. Thanks to everyone at Writing.Com!
      This is the best site I have ever been a member of. I was a member at another writing site, who's name I will keep to myself, and it does not hold a candle to Writing.Com. The interaction within the community is fantastic. The people are encouraging and helpful, giving honest reviews. Two days after joining this site, I decided to never return to the other site. I however told the friends I made that I stumbled upon this site which they would appreciate, as Writing.Com offers to all those passionate about writing the ability to enhance their skills and/or help others grow, both rewarding features of Writing.Com. The members who have joined agree that this site is the BEST! The creators of Writing.Com are masters of their trade, effectively knowing how to bring talented writers together to share their creative minds and talents. Allowing all to share their skills and learn what they need to be good writers. Thanks for making Writing.Com a great place to hang out, learn, and be creative yourself. I look forward to many years with Writing.Com, as I am here to stay!
      I've been a member of this site for about four months and love it! I have always thought of myself as a writer and not a reader but have discovered the joy in both now. The knowledge gained by interacting with other members is enormous. Thanks, Writing.Com!
      This site is awesome! I've found a home with people in it who share my interest in writing. It's like a vacation that never ends. I love this place!
      I joined Writing.Com a mere two weeks ago, and have reinvigorated my writing voice. I've been into creative writing since high school and through college, but my work have mostly been for academic purposes. In the last decade, writing took a bit of a back seat, and only resurfaced again several years ago when I briefly ran an online magazine (with a few other writers), and again about six months ago when I began my personal blog. I realized even more how writing is such a big part of me, and your site helped open the creative floodgates, so to speak. I will forever be thankful for this vehicle that not only allows me to express my thoughts, but also have talented other writers give me amazing pointers and feedback on how I can improve as a writer. Thank you kindly.
      I hate this site. It holds me with a death-grip. I can't look away. I'm enticed by the excellent stories, fantastic critiques, and all-around good people. Please set me free. I have work to do. This site is going to get me fired. My wife will leave me. I'll go bankrupt. They'll turn off my electricty and I'll be forced to use public computers in public libraries. Somebody please help me. Excuse me, I have to go read some more postings. Bye.
      I've only been a member of Writing.Com for a few days, but I am hooked. I have not been able to get off the site in days. Writing.Com is an excellent way for aspiring writers, even if writing is your hobby, to get it out and have other people read, comment, critique and even get noticed. People who don't join this fabulous website are fools for not doing so.
      Since becoming a member of Writing.Com, I have had considerate and encouraging reviews of my work. I have not had to entertain rudeness, bizarre rantings, or inconsiderate remarks. I have been treated respectfully, given sound advice and challenged, never criticized for my content. I write because I must - I am addicted to creating with words. When I write it is from the heart. Many writers feel this way. As is true of most artists, whatever their medium, it leaves me vulnerable to put my heart out there on display. I am miserable if I'm not writing, I am miserable if no one is reading my writing, and I am miserable if no one has a kind comment about my writing. But, I am devastated when I feel that the work has not been appreciated for what it is... a piece of my heart. I need to be taught how better to write and I want to learn. I am able to learn when I know that my work has been 'carefully and gently' handled and read by someone who knows writing and genuinely cares. While I don't need to be paid ( though I would love to be rewarded monetarily for my efforts) what I do need is to be helped, encouraged and supported by my kind, not devoured. Unfortunately, not every place is like Writing.Com. Fortunately, I found Writing.Com and the people - the writers - the starving artists, who make it such an enjoyable and educational experience. To coin a phrase that fits this writer's paradise so well... Write On
      After years of writing snippets and ideas of stories on looseleaf, and notebooks, I was one frustrated writer. I tried to get my friends interested in reading my little stories, but they just didn't "feel like it". Once I got a laptop to type instead of write, it was crowded with stories waiting to be read, and to be enjoyed. Except I didn't have any readers. Highly frustrated and discouraged, I turned to fanfic and other writing sites but... they just didn't offer me any creative freedom that I so desired! I turned to google for my last hope and I searched and searched for a writing community who would be willing to actually BE a community. I hit on Writing.Com, looked at the welcome page, registered with high hopes... and fell in love with Writing.Com. Writing.Com not only offered me a free account, a free email, and freedom to write and post whatever I wanted... it offered me exposure of my writings to other willing and eager readers, but it also offered me the privilege to read such great works by other wonderful writers! I'm loving Writing.Com!
-- Kitsa
      It's great to be able to read people's work, it's great to have it read and get feedback, but the main thing that makes me love Writing.Com is that I can log on from anywhere in the world (providing it has a computer!) and get to my writing in a few seconds. Unless you spend as much time out as I do, you have no idea how convenient it is to be able to log on for a few minutes and jot down an idea before it's lost forever. Thank you, Writing.Com, for preserving some of my best ideas and always being there!
      I am still new here, but this is the most supportive collection of writers ever. There is so much talent and information here! I often lose track of time completely when on this site. It is also wonderful to know that by logging in, I am surrounded by like kind. Thank you for this haven... "Home On The Web" for all scribes.
      I've always loved to write, but I hadn't been able to get a decent word on paper in years... until I found Writing.Com! Since I joined this site I've been writing like a madwoman, the words stumbling out onto pages faster than I can keep up. Now, I'm well on my way to finally filling my dream of becoming a published author. Thank you for being the muse that was missing in my life!
      Writing.Com is a great place to learn, read, write, participate, and do about anything related to the art of writing. The very large membership practically garantees helpful feedback and insight on whatever I choose to write. The members are caring individuals whom I can expect to provide sound advice, thoughts, and commentary on my excursion into the creative writing endeavor. I am never bored at Writing.Com; there is always something more to read, write, or do! I've jumped on the blogging bandwagon since coming here (Writing.Com provides an excellent blogging forum and audience) and I'm loving it!
It's very challenging to make entries often, let alone make them interesting or fun for others. Though I write for myself primarily, I, like many others at Writing.Com I'm sure, also like to know I'm giving enjoyment to someone else through the writing. Writing.Com, with its plethora of members, provides the opportunity to attract readers of my writing in a big way. I've really learned a lot about creative writing and blogging since coming here slightly over a year ago and I'm having a great time too! I've always had the 'knack' of being able to put a sentence together, but since starting the journey and begining to call myself a 'writer', I've been surprised (pleasantly) at the feelings knowing someone enjoyed my writing produces. A reward which makes it all the more worthwhile and another reason Writing.Com is such a great place to write, read, and interact with a wonderful writing community!
      Writing.Com is a community of writers and that means that it is full of tons of creative writing, which is fun to read and comment. People here are supportive and are ready to spend their time to review what you write. Be ready for some constructive criticism and even though it isn't always pleasant to read opinions on things you thought you did good, that's probably the only way to REALLY become better.
      When I first came to Writing.Com, I had fears that people would reject me because I am different. But I found a family here, and very supportive advisors and friends. Even though I vent quite a bit, I still love it here, because I get very honest reviews and opinions from the members. To me, that is the greatest thing in the world. Writing.Com, in this girl's humble opinion, is the best writing site there is. Thanks, Writing.Com, for being here.
      I came across this wonderful site last December, and I love it! The authors and staff here are just great, and supportive. Everyone is so helpful. This site has been an inspiration to me, and has helped me realize a reason for writing, which I love to do, so others may enjoy it.
      Ever since I joined this website something like a week ago, I've been on it up to three times in one day! It's amazing how quickly it's sucked me in. The amount I've learned in such a short time-about poetry, writing and reviewing, will no doubt be invaluable to me throughout my time at university. In short, I'm not going anywhere!
      I joined this site a little over seven months ago. For the first time in my life, I have found a site that I can relate too, and I'm not intimidated by the people on it. I love this site, it's become a place I go to, as if it were a home! I really enjoy it and it gives me and others many opportunities!
-- Megan
      When I first joined Writing.Com last year, I never imagined I would find a place that would give me the same support, encouragement, and respect for my writing as my own family gives. Writing.Com is not just a community of writers, it a second home where there is always a warm and welcome embrace! Writing.Com gives writers, whether they are just beginning or professional, a place to share their work with the entire world and feel pride in themselves for what they have accomplished!
      I have been writing for a little while. I could never really get my stories completed though. I was having problems getting started and moving the plot along. One day, though, I stumbled upon "Writing.Com" while looking for places to submit my work. It was great. I was hooked in no time. It has allowed me to make my work better. It has also given me breaks from when I've been extremely busy. Thank you, "Writing.Com".
      It's currently my first week on Writing.Com and already I look forward to checking my portfolio and reading others' work every morning. The people here are not only friendly, but are also extremely helpful. I believe I have advanced as a writer more in this past week than possibly my last year of my creative writing class. As a writer, this is THE perfect environment.
      I've always loved writing, and my friend showed me a site, not this one, but a different one, and that got me hooked on online writing. But my other site, while being helpful, was filled with authors who didn't take their writing seriously, and part of me craved a site where there were more people like me. I remember searching on the internet and finding this site in November. I eagerly joined, just to find that to write a book, you needed an upgraded account. And I'm terrible with short stories, so I clicked back to my old site, slightly disappointed. Not a week before the day I'm writing this, I decided to check the site out again. As I went to different stories, I saw such a difference. The people were more friendly, the writing was much better, the atmosphere portrayed here was better. I put up a static story, but still wanted an upgraded account (which I put on my wish list). I came home today, to find that an anonymous person had granted my wish. I don't remember being so excited in such a long time. I haven't recieved any reviews for my new book, but I can't wait to write it. I thank Google, for helping me find such an awesome site. Whoever created this site deserves some serious props.
      I've been on Writing.Com for going on two years. Until recently, I was an unpaid member and it was a great place to get a little exposure. However, in the last three months or so, I have become really involved. This is a great place to be, with a lot of really caring and super nice people (if I can say that without being cheesy). I've made some friends, changed some lives, and been changed in return. I've recommended this site to several people and I talk about it all the time. I treat it almost like Gospel. Since it's such good news, I like to pass it on.
      GREAT SITE. What else is there to say?
      I am taking some online college classes and I was working on some English Comp. when in one of the work sheets they encouraged joining some internet sites with writers. I looked around a few and joined here. In no time at all, I had learned the way around the site due to the excellent newletters I signed up for! This place is awesome! Not only do I get to spend my free time writing but I also get to read and review! What a fun way to get to know people! I love this place!
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