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Member Testimonials
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Showing 651 through 675 of 1,144 total testimonials

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      Hey, I want you all to know that I submitted something here once and I am so-so-so hooked on this site. It has everything!
      I'm nearly as old as mud and have been writing for years for fun and/or profit. I thought I had seen most worthwhile free writing sites online, but not so! I was searching for poetry blogs and ran upon Writing.Com. I decided to take a look, and now I am hooked. No where else have I found such a continuous supply of creative works by creative people. An 18-year-old will surpise me with a deep, profound poem or an older guy may think outside the box and put the young guys to shame. The place truly is "addictive." The only thing better than the works are the supportive people who run the site and those people who genuinely wish another well, succhess and say "keep writing!"
      Writing.Com is a wonderful site. It helps writers to interact with other people who share their interests. I myself am glad that I have found this site. Aside from the fact that it gives me opportunities to have honest feedback for my pieces, it also allows me to review other people's work.
-- Neerod
      On the eve of my tenth-month anniversary at Writing.Com, I can't imagine what life was like without Writing.com! I can't wait to log on every day. I have met such wonderful people, terrific writers and have learned so much about improving my writing by developing more disciplined routines for myself. Thank you for everything!
      I could expound on the virtues of Writing.Com as a writing community and the vast ways it has helped me improve my writing. But then I'd only be repeating what countless other authors have already expressed in words far more eloquent than my own. The fact is if you're a writer, you probably have some issues to work through. There's likely something nagging your psyche, driving you to express yourself in ways most people don't bother expressing themselves. You may even feel like you don't fit in or people don't understand you. You'll be understood here. You'll quickly be pulled into a community of like-minded people, and soon you'll be addicted. Since there's a relatively good chance you're obsessive compulsive already, this won't bother you much. You'll feel compelled to log on everyday and pow-wow with fellow writers and online friends that know you better than most of your family and real-world friends. You'll soon realize you're part of a true community, one that means as much to you as the real world. I can rarely go a day without logging onto Writing.Com. I even met my fiancee here. This is much more than a website, people, it's a second home.
      I have only been a member for less then forty-eight hours and I'm completely hooked. Everyone is so helpful and nice. I've already gotten good advice on my work! I highly recommend this site to anyone who likes to read any write.
      I love this wonderful site which provides ample opportunities to writers to showcase their talents. It is a treasure for all avid readers, too. When people from around the world interact, review and communicate, the creativity has to improve. Encouragement is what we recieve here. I have not yet met a member who has rudely responded. I thank that "Anonymous" person who sent me an upgraded membership.
-- Anu
      Tomorrow I will have been on Writing.Com for one year. I actually found this website while looking for a contest to submit my writing to, and I found so much more than that! Although I can't afford to get a real membership, I still enjoy writing on the site, and reading work from other members. This is truly a great website, and I would encourage all readers and writers to join it.
      I was looking for good poetry websites when I found Writing.Com. I immediately got hooked on the site and now, I skip my lunch hour so I can read and review other people's work and also work on my own. I also go to Writing.Com when I have free time during the day. The site is great, the people are great, and it is an awesome way to make friends who share your interests as well as get helpful critiques on your work in order to make it better. Thanks to all at Writing.Com!
      Writing.Com is not only for writers, it is a place for everyone who likes to read or be creative. I improved my english here thanks to the help of other members. I found activities appropiate not only to adults but to children too. I found poetry, articles, real life experiences... All you need to do is open your eyes and click on certain places to find something to your liking. Even if you don't like to write you can read and review to help other writers. There are not enough words or space to describe Writing.Com. All I can say is "WDC is a place for everyone."
      Writing.Com is simply amazing. The reason it beats all of the other online writing sites is because Writing.Com allows you to be a member without having to pay fees or fill in a credit card number to steal your money. Writing.Com can truly say they're on the internet for the love of writing not for the love of money!
-- JJM
      I have only been on this site for a few months, but it is BY and FAR the best writing site that I have yet to encounter. My writing is very important to me but it is hard to find peers who feel the same. Here, there is no lack of people who prize the written word and the doors that it opens. I have recieved the most honest support and thorough criticism here. I know this site was ranked in the top 100 [websites] and I even visited a few of the others. No other site offers the flexibility that this one does. The time that the owners put into this site is blatant and for it I am very grateful. To put this much time into something takes passion. Many thanks to the creators for creating and nurturing such a gem.
      Besides the very obvious advantages of having a peer-critique forum to come to, to share writing and read others' work, let me relate another, probably underappreciated advantage. Two weeks ago, someone came in my bedroom window and stole my laptop computer, on which I have been doing all my writing for the last year (during which year I have been more prolific in my writing than at any other time in my life... sigh). Fortunately, most -- not all, but a lot -- of what I'd done since joining Writing.Com (in August 2005) and some before, I had posted in my port. Sooo... you know what that means, don't you? I lost a lot when that computer was stolen, including tons of personal information, but the most precious thing to me was my writing and thanks to Writing.Com, it is still in my port and I DIDN'T LOSE IT! Thanks so much for saving me from my too-infrequently-backing-up self.
      I love how I can be with other people and get their really thoughts. I love how I can do and be some many things! Thanks, Writing.Com!
      I have joined Writing.Com just three to four days back and I'm so addicted to it now that even in my dreams I browse through it. Just three days in and I received a two months upgraded mebership as a gift. Now I am just thinking how to use it to the fullest. It's one of the best websites ever created. Thank you, Writing.Com! You have helped me find my self!!!
      I Love You, Writing.Com! I've stayed up til all hours of the night looking for a home that I could be comfortable with. Someplace, I could put the many thoughts and dreams that come into my head. I wrote in my search box, "looking for someplace to put writing," Up came Writing.Com. I came over to visit and decided to stay, now I have the perfect Condo. I love you, Writing.Com, you've given me another home... thanks.
-- MDuci
      I've been at Writing.Com for so long now, I don't even remember how I found it. All I know is that I keep coming back. I have met some great people, gotten excellent feedback & encouragement on my writing and read some great writing. It's a perfect place for aspiring writers to spend time and work on their craft. I love it here!
-- Kendra
      I love this site!!! I mentioned to someone that I have always wanted a writing career and over the years I have lived a life other than a writer. I checked out this site and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was so amazing to me, like having a dream fulfilled and you can't move because you're afraid it'll disappear. I froze and just looked at the monitor. I love it, love it, love it. I just ask myself, where do I begin? As if I have only one choice. How do I choose? I wrote one blog and I got back 2 reviews and they were both great. It made my day. I felt validated like I actually connected with my true talent in life and I like it. Writing gives me such joy. I get lost in it. I am thankful for this site. It's changing my life. When I am on the site, the rest of my day is fine, as long as I can write. Thank you, for all of it. Writing.com is the best thing out there for the casual and career minded writer. I look forward to opening this site and reading and writing in a world and community I love. I feel so at home here on this site. I wish I could just write all day and make big bucks doing it. It makes my day and puts me a better mood. Thank you to the creators of this site. Thanks so much. There aren't enough thanks I can give to tell you how much I appreciate this writing opportunity. Thanks.

      I have been here only for a few days and I have already received many insightful comments on my stories. Each kind and thoughtful review makes them higher in quality. My skills as a writer are improving each day that I am on here. The members here are great. It feels good to have people who are objective and that are interested in your work. I hope more people join here so that they can experience the same things that I have felt so far.
-- Nesen
      Hello fellow writers, I must say that this site is perfect for my writing needs. I love to write, and also love to read. I hope some of you read some of my recipes, and also pray they incite you and help you with your cooking. I love this site, thanks to all of you responsible for creating such a wonderful site. I love all of you.
-- Clampy
      I discovered Writing.Com back in the days when it was still known as Stories.Com! I have always lived a nomadic life, and stories I'd written in the past would be lost and forgotten when I moved. With Writing.Com, I always have the peace of mind of knowing that no matter what, my stories will always be safe on the internet, and not lost in a box tucked away in someone's garage or storage unit, never to be found again!
      Back after a hiatus of 6 months, due to health problems, I found that most of my friends here on the website were glad that I found my way home. Writing.Com is home. My home, shared with my online friends. I hope to stay around for a very long time!
-- Bianca
      I've been registered for more than a year now. I used to just read and left my musings on paper. Recently I began reviewing the things I read and have been getting positive feedback. It ispired me to submit some of my works and I have been given honest and positive responses back. I would never have shared my work online, but this is a very open and honest community. I am so glad that I found this exceptional site. I've even been inspired to write MORE because of all the wonderful writers and positive readers here.
      I'm a teen writer who loves fantasy, and I don't have a lot fo friends that do, so this site was a blessing from God. I was so excited to get involved and now I'm on here every couple hours to see what's going on. It's addicting but so great. I have gotten so many reviews for my Novel in progress, it wouldn't be a quarter what it is now without this site. Thank You so much!
      I joined Writing.Com on the recommendation of a friend a little over a month ago, and I can quite honestly say that it's one of the best things I've ever done! I wrote prolifically between the ages of about 7 and 16, but my muse had deserted me and I had all but given up on my dream of being an author. Since joining the site, it's as if I never stopped writing. I write a short story almost every week now, which is a huge improvement for me; and am writing more and more all the time. The feedback from other writers and the opportunity to read and learn from their work has been invaluable. I have received emails from some lovely people who I hope will turn out to be good friends, and I have even won the first 2 competitions I entered! Writing.Com is inspirational, easy to use, and a goldmine of great stories.
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