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Member Testimonials
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Showing 676 through 700 of 1,144 total testimonials

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      I can't possibly begin to explain how amazing I think that Writing.Com is. It gives me a chance to express myself, and the people on here are so awesome. I've met so many people who are so supportive and caring of your work, and so willing to help you write to the best of your ability. This has to be the absolute best thing that has ever happened to the internet, ever. And for whoever started this site, a billion kudo's to ya.
      I love this site! I have let everyone I know about this site! I have sent links and continue to talk about it and the stories that I have read and things I have been able to do here! I have a long way to go to be a "Great Author" and I feel like this is a wonderful place for me to be able to practice the skills that it will take to get there. I have been made to feel at home here, everyone has been so caring and accepting. It has become my favorite place on the web!
      Writing.Com continues to be the most constructive, honest community I've found anywhere. When I "came out" as a writer (it was a big deal, because I had invested in being a manager/consultant in software), and Writing.Com was there to allay my fears. I hid behind a user name that was difficult to pronounce and type, and the first review I received scared me away for about 14 months. I came back, with my Chinese (and Pen) name, after confirming for myself through extensive internet searches that there isn't a better place for a writer to develop. No matter what level I'm functioning at as a writer, Writing.Com members have consistently supported my continued development. I cannot say so much for my experiences in other learning environments. Developing writers is developing people. When a person learns to make themselves heard through others' eyes, they develop a level of self-expression that impacts every area of their lives. It's a delicate task that requires skill, patience, kindness, and an absolute conscience that hold standards stable and high. Writing.Com provides the environment and the community for all kinds of writers to develop their thoughts, skills, and selves. A recent internet search convinces me that there is still no where else to be and to grow. Peace and power to you, always, 貞幬 (Zhen Dao) Credits Writing.Com
-- Zhen
      Thank you so much. A few years ago I found my passion for writing. Now at the age of 55, I started to pursue a writing career. As of yesterday I can say, I’m a newspaper columnist. It’s a small weekly newspaper, but I’m thrilled just the same. If it weren’t for the members of Writing.Com, I wouldn’t have had the courage to even go on the interview. The positive comments I received regarding my submissions gave me the encouragement I needed to forge ahead. I also received helpful constructive criticism, mostly about punctuation. I’m sure reading this, you know I’m still working on that issue. I’ve taken a few writing classes and belong to a local writers group. The generosity of writers is amazing. It doesn’t matter if a person has been doing this a life time or a newbie. Whether a person is published or not. There’s a camaraderie among writers and I’m honored to be included. Thank you again for all your support.
      I have seen the light and it is shining from yon window of Writing.Com. I joined with glee in my heart and a smile on my face while standing on my own two feet on the ground. I am looking forward to coming here more often and enjoying alot of new friends and maybe learning how to work on my book.
      Writing.Com has been an definite inspiration in my life. To be lucky enough to stumble upon such a unique and easy to use website was a miracle. One that has spurred me to bigger and better stories than ever before. A place where it feels like I've met so many terrific people and hopefully made some lasting friendships.
      My sister was the one who introduced me to this site, and bless her heart for doing so! Now I can never go online without logging in to Writing.Com. I love it not only because it lets me express and share my writing, but also because of its talented and honest members. Writing.Com is a community of so many encouraging people, and I am proud to be a part of it. Truly, this site is a wonderful place to just be.
      Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, and anyone still reading, but not included, I can safely say that Writing.Com has improved my life. Poetry is the string that keeps me on this earth and not flying into the cosmos, or into a pit of destruction. Writing.Com has given me a home to receive and send critique and praise and smile brights even terrible days. Thank you to the StoryMistress for the bright yellow briefcase and thank you all for making the past 6 months of my membership beautiful!
      I was very unsure when I approached this site as to what would happen to my work. All I can say is that it is full of wonderful people prepared to give time, hope, and encouragement to new and established writers. Thank you one and all for all your help and encouragement to everyone. It is a great pity that there is not more people like you around.
      Luck must have been with me the night I stumbled across Writing.Com. There is no other site that I know of like this one. I have found a caring, supportive community here. Not only does the site encourage me to write, but it also offers me tips on how to improve my writing, opportunities to enter my work in contests, the joy of reading others' work, and best of all, the friendship of the many great members here. Thank you Writing.Com for helping make my dreams of becoming a writer a reality.
      Since my 8th grade English teacher managed to convince me that the pen was not, in fact, my enemy, I have been writing, and I taught myself to read around the age of 4. Every writer's dream is a safe-haven; a place where you can go and receive constructive criticism, not scorn and abuse. Of all the sites out there, Writing.Com, and no other site, has been my virtual home for five years. It's safe, it's interesting, it's ever-changing, and it's vast. But out of all the wonderful things I could say about Writing.Com, I feel that I must emphasize the best thing that ever happened to it: the members. I've made more friends than I count, even if I use my toes. From casual acquaintances to true-blue best friends, they are all on this site, and they are all willing to help you with anything you might need. From the year I joined as a broke teenager with a free account, I DREAMED of being able to afford a full membership. It wasn't until years later that I realized how cheap and accessible a paid membership actually is. I may not be the smartest guy on the block, but I do know that I am never leaving Writing.Com.

      I have been with Writing.Com for over 4 years and it is the ONLY online site I regularly visit. I have met many new friends with the same love of writing and I wouldn't go anywhere else. Thank you Writing.Com for providing such a fantastic service.
      It really is the best! Most sites I've been to cost so much money, but here I can be a WRITER. I love to write and have been for many years. I wish to upgrade myself so I write more on this site. Once I upgrade I'll write another testimonial about how GREAT it is! I've only been on for about 4 weeks,but It's already paid off. I was going to put on all my handwritten stuff but it was all lost in the hurricane! I hope that this site will take me farther in my writing. GO Writing.Com!!
      Happy Birthday, Writing.Com! I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience here and am so glad I found the site. It is full of wonderful people and activities, and is the perfect place to nurture and share love of reading and writing.
      I could never have hoped to find a better place to improve my writing! This was the first site I found and is the best I will ever find! Trust me on this, joining this site is a haven for developing your skills to becoming a published author. Others have done it, and you might too! The only problem I have with this site would be that it's too perfect!
      Hi, just wanted to say that I've been writing faster and better than ever since I joined this site. The best site in the world no doubt. The people on here are so helpful, it's amazing. THANK YOU WRITING.COM.
-- T.L.
      I came here to Writing.Com and was not sure what to expect. I imagined that it would just be a community filled with snobs but when I actually signed-up and started participating it was the exact opposite. Everyone here is so kind and wanting to help you. Writing.com is not only a good place to get feedback on your writing but is an amazing place to meet friends and to talk with other people who share the interest of writing! And I think the site is so successful because every member works so hard to make the community what it is.
-- Max
      About 18 months ago I came across Writing.Com, and haven't gone back on the decision to sign up and post my story here! My usernames have changed due to a lack of memory for passwords, but the great people, the great tools, and the vibrant feeling you get from giving a review, reading a great story, or getting feedback on your own writing, has only got better! The site is amazing, the people are great, and I have no idea how I would write my Story without it! I recommend Writing.Com to everybody whether they like reading, writing, or want a vibrant community to find friends on!
      OUTSTANDING! This writing website is the only website I know that helps people to love their words. Writers are real and to the point. I am very grateful for this website.
      Writing.Com is the kind of place I've been seeking for a long time. I joined in June 2005 and I couldn't be happier! I have gotten honest, helpful comments on my work, placed in a poetry contest, and I've already had one of my stories featured in a newsletter. Writing.Com is the kind of environment where a serious writer can thrive. It is everything I hoped it would be, and more.
      If I were to use one word to describe Writing.Com, it would be AWESOME. I'm never bored or disappointed. Since joining in April, I've come out of my dark hole, and danced in the light. Sharing my akward ideas has gotten good results! I'm always learning, wether it be about grammar or the Human Condition. I tip my hat to the person who thought it up one day. Wtiting.Com isn't a pasttime... for me, it's an obsession (a good one!).
      I have just become a member of Writing.Com in July 2005 and want to tell everyone that this is a wonderful site and just what I needed as a writer of both poetry and short stories. I have looked at other sites but for me as a learning place and being around other writers for their input and reviews, no other site tops this one! I am grateful to be here and intend to stay as long as I can. A+++ to Writing.Com Rating a "5" for the very best.
      On the 26th of August, 2005 I will have a member one year and I can hardly believe how the time has passed so quickly. Writing.Com is my home now, and the many friends I've made here are dear to me. My writing has improved greatly with the their help and commentary. Thank you one and all!
      A recommended place for young authors, who want to become succesful story writers. If it wasn't for Wrting.Com, I would have never thought of wrting Legends of Playground. My life depended on this website in order to accomplish my dream of becoming an author. I still have many more years, and I looking forward for many more stories that will pop in my mind and be shared to the world!
-- Fizzla
      I first discovered Writing.Com through a friend who had good things to say about the site. I've been a full-fledged member for a little over a year now and would describe my experience here so far as outstanding. The advice, support and encouragement I've received here has been both rewarding and extremely helpful to me as a fledgling writer. With such a large and diverse membership, a Writing.Com member has the opportunity to have his or her work assessed and critiqued by a widely varied audience. Corny as it sounds, there really is something for everyone here. I've thoroughly enjoyed my first year with Writing.Com. I've improved my writing skills, I've met and traded opinions with some interesting and very amusing people and I've had a good time doing it.
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