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Member Testimonials
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      I joined Writing.Com in 2003 to improve my writing skills, meet other authors/writers, and help to encourage myself to keep writing. I've met wonderful people on this site who have been supportive and caring. Additionally, I've been able to also help so many others. Now, I am a published author and Senior Editor at I Wanna Read More! By providing such a wonderful community, Writing.Com has enabled me to open up and soar. I feel that there are no limits. Thank you, Writing.Com!
      Writing.Com is an incredible community for aspiring writers. Through a variety of contests, activities, and the ready availability of useful feedback, Writing.Com provides me more incentive to actually complete my stories than any other source that I have yet found. Participation here can only improve your writing. If reading is your preference, however, you will still find plentiful content, all viewable by genre or content rating, if you are a more sensitive reader. Writing.com is simply the best resource of its type that I have ever heard of. If it can fare well under my scrutiny, it is most definitely worth evaluating.
      My name is Isa, and I have been a member for nearly 2 months. Before entering the world of Writing.Com, I considered myself as "someone who once wrote stuff" but now, I am back on track. I write everyday, I use anything that can spark creativity, from dreams to newspaper headlines. I review other writers and it helps me get better. I love Writing.Com, because it brought something wonderful back into my life: the therapy of writing, the pleasure of writing, the discovery of writing, the excitment of writing, the world of writing. Thank you.
      I have been with this site for almost three years now -- since it was called good old Stories.Com and free memberships got a limit of 15 items! I go on here off and on as a fun thing to help get my creative juices flowing and every once in a while when I upgrade, I like to put up a few extra things like chapters to stories I have been working on and poetry! Writing.Com has never failed me! You guys totally rock! I mean, I'd probably not have a very intersting life online if it weren't for me coming to this site! I have been here since I was 13... now I am 16 and I plan on continuing to stay on here for FOREVER!! I don't know how else to express my gratitude! You guys are the awesomest site that ever hit the Planet Earth and I have been telling all my friends about it!! Go Writing.Com!
      This is the place to feed your writing dreams. Start with a free membership. I thought--surely enough. Moved to basic--certainly enough. Onward to Upgrade--maybe enough. Just start--the addiction will soon consume you. Write more--write better--write on!
      Since joining the Writing.Com community, I have made many writing friends who love language as much as I do. I began as a weary writer without an audience. With the support of the members of this site, I've gained confidence in my abilities and am a member of the "Going Pro Group," who will see me through actually getting published this year. I wouldn't be where I wanted to be without you. Writing.Com is the web on the web for my needs.
      I have been a member of Writing.Com for less than a month, and already I'm hooked! I've gotten honest feedback, had my work featured in a newsletter, and have entered and won contests. I can't imagine being at the point I am now without Writing.Com, and this is only just the beginning!
-- Sarita
      This is my first year at Writing.Com. I am thankful I became a member of this great site. This site lets me rate and review other members' works. I get helpful reviews that help me improve my writing.
      Writing.Com is a fantastic sounding board for writers like myself to post there work for honest, thorough, and very helpful feedback. After finishing the draft of my first novel I shared with friends and neighbors. Of course, they all responded positively, they wouldn't want to hurt my feelings. I needed input from writers, those who have been there and done that. I found exactly what I need right here. The feedback given by many supportive members of Writing.Com has been invaluable. It has absolutely convinced me publication is an option to pursue. I have visited other web sites devoted to writing, but only revisited a few. I have logged in to Writing.Com 186 times since joining in September '04. It is the first thing I do after work until 2am, and again when I wake. Special thanks to the founders of Writing.Com; it is a magnificant resource. I am deeply inspired by, and indebted to the members that have taken time to help me realize where improvements in my writing were needed. Because of your help I now want to publish without reservations, and further, make writing my full time career. This site is special, and deserves much praise and recognition. Thanks so much for all your support.

      I have a carefully hidden notebook in my bedroom filled with poetry and short stories. Several years worth now, in fact. Writing.Com has helped me develop my skills as a writer and the other members have encouraged me to write on when I felt I had nothing left. This site is awesome!
      Hi there. I joined at the end of March and it took me a while to figure out how to use the site. Now I have many articles and word searches posted and have had reviews. I have really appreciated the reviews and level of writer's intelligence here. Y'all are great!
      A friend recommended Writing.Com to me and now I'm more involved than he is! I love Writing.Com C and have often referred to it as my solace, partly because writing is a great comfort to be but also because it is amazing! My portfolio is growing, and I can always find contests to inspire an motivate me. I can get feedback on my work and read other's, too. Writing.Com is truly a writing sanctuary for me, and I don't know what I would do without it.
      I have to say "Thank you" to everyone for the wonderful feedback, advice, and help that has been so willingly given. It means so much to me. Every writer I know will know about this site. Thanks again... you have all been so great.
      I've been a member of Writing.Com for only three days now, and already I've read some of the most amazing works I've ever seen! The reviews on my own work I've gotten from people are great as well. Everyone is so willing to give other people advice and help them out it's really great to know that you can be a part of that!
      I have been a member of this wonderful site for five days. I have written more and had more fun than I ever had on any other writing site. I have gotten such excellent suggestions for improving my pieces that I have rewritten at least four pieces and am much pleased with them. To those of you who offer really good suggestions and complements, thank you. Please continue. I participated at several other sites, but this is my new HOME!
      Ahhhh, the liberty of the written word. Free to roam wherever my imagination takes me. Free to soar and wheel and challenge myself beyond any limitations and expectations of the dreary and mundane. License to soar above the grinding mediocrity, lack of vision and cowardice with which most people live their lives. Oh no, not I. This will be my place to unshackle and fly. I give you warning Jonathon Livingstone Seagull. I too shall soar high above the rabble.
      Hello, my name is Ryan, and I have an addiction. I am a Writing.Comaholic. Ever since October of 2004 I have been completely hooked. Everytime I think I have explored the site completely, I happen upon a whole new dynamic. Way to Writing.Com! When I sat down to write this testimonial, I realized I had nothing. How could you possibly put into words a place that has been so much to you? How could I, without writing a novel, describe something that has been a home, a friend, a shoulder to cry on, a mother, a brother, an inspiration, and something to do on yet another friday night spent at home. How could I say that in only one phrase? Then, of course, it hit me. Writing.Com!
      If you knew how often and how long I was on Writing.Com each day, I'm sure I'd be writing this from a padded room! Writing.Com is so addictive! It's the most amazing writers' site ever created. I have met great people, recieved helpful reviews, and improved my writing more than I thought possible--all because of this site! Thanks StoryMaster and StoryMistress, you're the best! =)Though I've only been a member of Writing.Com for less than a month, I can honestly say that it is the absolute best site in the world--for budding writers and veterans alike. Before I found this site, I only showed my writing to my sister, who I'm sure I have mentally scarred for all of eternity! Now I'm getting constructive feedback, and peoples' honest opinions on my work. I recommend this site to anyone who likes to take out a pen and dream!
      I came across Writing.Com looking for a website to read a couple of stories and put up my own. I used to be scared to share my writing, thinking that everyone would hate it. Now, I realize that there are different people who like different things. Now, I am no longer shy because of the feedback I get from the other members. I can easily post my things up without thinking that people will hate it. Writing.Com has given me the will to write more than I could have without it. I used to go in my room, lock it, and write. Then, I would stow it somewhere my mother would never look because honestly, I thought no one ever wanted to read it. This site has covered all the things I would want in a site. It's even got a copyright going on too. You get memberships for free when you first arrive and you get no charging fees unless you buy a membership. Personally, I think this site is the best around! Thank you, Writing.Com!

-- Star
      Finding WRITING.COM is probably the best thing to happen to my writng since I fell in love with my "muse". This site provides access to the work of other writers, and the reviews that I recieve on my own work are priceless!
      This is a great site! I have started a course in creative writing via snail mail. I am about to send in my second assignment. I found this site while searching for info on how to write. I love it here. It's freindly, encouraging and just plain fun. I have always wanted to write, as an avid reader I love the written word. So this place is perfect for me. I get to read all kinds of stories, giving me examples of different types of styles. Thanks for having this site.
      I was originally surfing the net for stories when I stumbled on this site. It was still called Stories.Com then, and I was intrigued by what they were offering. I love to write so I took up the free membership, not being able to buy one since I was just a junior high school student then. Admittedly, I became a stagnant member for a while because of all the things and activities at school, but then when vacation began I started logging on to the site whenever I can. It's totally addicting! I had just graduated from high school, and the best surprise came into my mail one day. I received an anonymous upgrade, and since then I've been writing extra hard. I'm still very thankful the person/group who gave me the chance to expand my writing more! This site offers everything a budding writer or an entusiast reader needs. This is the only place where I can sit back, write and receive honest feedback. I have doubts about my skills at writing from time to time, but this site helped gave me the confidence I needed. I am very thankful at every person here at Writing.Com. You guys have been very supportive and honest. Not only this site, but also the people in here rocks!
      I've been surfing the net for a few years now, but didn't find out about you until about a month ago. What a great find. It gives me the opportunity to write as I want to, and have people review my work as they want to. I consider Writing.Com as the best of the net. If you want to write, then this is the only place to go to.
-- joey
      It seems like fate. I actually came across Writing.Com from my high school's website. When I clicked on the link, I was blown away by this incredible site, and signed up right there on the spot. I have always had a passion for writing, and am often shy when showing others my work because many of it involves my personal feelings. This site has helped so much for me to gain more confidence and pride in myself. The authors here are so talented, it's unbelievable. They are supportive and encouraging, and I have had some really wonderful advice that has helped me to improve my writing ability. Thanks so much!
      I've been surfing the net for more than two years now, and I've had had many addictions to date: network communities, online games, and setting up my own blog. But ever since I signed up on this writing community, everything has changed. Everyday, I check my Writing.Com account to the point of waiting for replies or feedbacks for my works! This is really amazing because, not only do I get to share my works to interested readers, but also I get to improve my writing by looking at others' works as well! The forums help a lot in my social development as I meet new people in other places. And of course, the contests, which have taught me how to fight; even if there is no triumph in the end, what's more important is the lesson learned in each trial, in each challenge. These are the reasons why Writing.Com is #1 for me!!!
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