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Member Testimonials
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      Writing has always been a passion that I kept largely to myself until now. The good man Wordstalker let me know about this site, and though a little intimidated initially, I quickly found my way around. I have made some wonderful friends here and have learned to write a little better every day through the honest critiques and encouragement of other writers. Not only have I developed more creatively, but I have read the work of writers here that I have confidence the whole world will know one day.
I would recommend Writing.Com to anyone who is serious about their love for words.
      This, morning I was stimulated by the very same deliberation that has disturbed my psyche for as long as I can remember. “Will today be the day, when I write a piece of significance?” I do not foretell that I will ever be a good writer. I am fully aware of my given situation. I’m just an average housewife with a passion for the written word. I would consider myself to be a layman, when it comes to being an accomplished and thought provoking author. However, this does not discourage me, to write down all the little thoughts that accumulate in my mind daily. My point is: I have always had an unyielding passion to write. But that was merely all it ever was; and probably would cease to be... a passion, a dream, a thought that was inert, immobile, never ordained to be brought to fruition. This was my pens fate. Until, I was introduced to Writing.Com - I recently wrote a poem which I posted in my portfolio, with the excerpt: “My thoughts and feelings are personal, Intrusions will not be allowed.” This was my original perception of my mind. But this glorious site has changed that stark personal opinion. And within the two short months that I have been a member of this site, I have somehow managed to create numerous pieces of writing. I have produced an array of items. Some are satisfactory whilst others I would profess to being more than inadequate for anybody’s standards. But with that said, I feel the most important lesson I am learning with the help of Writing.Com; and it’s wealth of talented authors. Is, that I have finally learnt to set my mind free. For the first time in years I am inspired. I want my writing to become so much more than just an isolated dream. Thank you Writing.Com for rekindling a flame that was in danger, of being extinguished.
      "You do that writing stuff, why don't you go check out Writing.Com". - That one fateful sentence, spoken by a friend caused me to become involved in a whole new world. I have written stories all my life but I always told myself that they were just for me, or for the enjoyment of a few close friends and family. The truth is I never thought anyone outside my own small circle would care for what I do. Writing.Com showed me how wrong I was. Writing.Com has proven that there are people out there who don't know me from Adam, but who love reading my stories... that is heady stuff for a country boy. Now I even believe I might one day actually see my stories in print. I could have done none of this without the good people I have met here at Writing.Com. The patience and support of all the talented writers here has helped me hone my stories and my skill more than I ever dared hope for. Thank you all so very much for everything...oh and btw: WRITE ON!!
      I started writing something longer than a paper from Eng101 or 102, sometime in august. I was so proud when I hit the one hundred page mark. I made copies for family members and friends. I was a little hurt when no one read it. Until I joined Writing.Com, this where you meet friends that are not afraid to tell you that you need some work, Thank You! This place is cool!! I joined Writing.Com on February 14, 2005. Since then I have learned so much about the actual skill’s necessary in the art of writing fiction. I’m a fiction writer, this is what I love, I alone determine whether my character is male or female, blonde or black hair, blue or hazel eyes. Whether he or she is in Romania or England, whether my character is a Vampire Slayer or a Werewolf. This is why I write. This is where I write.
      This place should have a caution sign on it. I stumbled across it and BAM!!! I don't know what hit me. I'm hooked. I've only been a member for maybe four days now and I've spent countless hours reading, reviewing, and writing. All I have to say is what originally had been a passing flirtation with my writings has become a fullfledged obsession.
      I'm amazed by the vast expanse of this website. The enormity and atmosphere are such that you can simply wander from item to item, completely losing track of time and obligation. If you're really looking to broaden your horizons and increase your writing ability, this is one of the most fit places to do it!
      I've been a member of Writing.Com for more than a year. Shame on me for not singing its praises in a testimonial sooner. It has been an excellent tool for improving my writing. Before joining I never considered the possibility of publishing my stories. Now, I've submitted my poetry and stories to a number of magazines. The support system and feedback I get here make me feel bold to try as many times as it takes.
      When I joined in 2003, I didn't fully explore the many options of this site. I used to read a few stories, but that was about it. I've been writing all my life, but I've only recently been improving because of all the great feedback I get from the members on this site. I never showed anyone my writing, so I was a bit nervous about displaying it. Well, I got over that! I have almost filled my portfolio with poems, contests forums, and more! This site is encouraging and addicting! :)
-- Mel
      I wrote "After the End" over nine years ago, in it's entirety. Then it was lost by a bungling husband and some minors who will remain anonymous. Then I stumbled across Writing.Com, and the urge to rewrite 400+ pages was justified! I took up the free membership and began to write again, my original story a little more refined this time. I posted it and recieved much needed advice in the kindest ways! Then wonderful things began to happen: I was anonymously upgraded and then made a preferred author! I couldn't ask for a more understanding and caring group of fellow writers! THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!
      This is my second home, I can't believe how easily addicting Writing.Com can be. I have been a member for about a month and there isn't any other site I'd rather visit than this one. I have found that the members are as honest and gifted as they come and I am proud to a part of this place.
      I don't know what I would do without writing.com. This site is just like a warm welcoming Lazy Boy next to a light with serenity to write whatever crosses my mind. I would never have gotten this far with my writing without the support from the members of writing.com. The quote I wrote to explain a membership here is this: It takes a pen and paper to make a writer but it takes writing.com to produce a published author!

I never look at my portfolio to see when I joined Writing.Com because it seems like it has always been a part of my life. It has healed me by writing my feelings and to read what others have written makes me know that I am not alone in this world. We all have our demons we fight but with this website Writing.Com it seems like we are able to handle life just a little bit better day by day. Happy Anniversary to me! My anniversary is coming up. On March 8, 2005 I joined this circle of friends. My self-esteem just shines through because in my writings my soul is healed. This site makes me feel like the old school song, "To Sir, with Love." A friend who taught me right from wrong and weak from strong That's a lot to learn, but what can I give you in return? Thanks for today and tomorrow, too!
      Writing.com! I never knew who you were. I lived 39 years of my life without you. How? There is so much here to develop a writer's skills. With so many friends to make and so much to keep those moments between inspirations full. I am here everyday. I will be for a long long time. Writing.Com - you are part of what I am now. Please don't ever leave me. Thank you, and keep on writing!
-- Mark
      I'm a firm believer in uploading random sites by typing random phrases - and one day it paid off. I was on this site for one, maybe two weeks before I decided to go for an upgrade. With a cup of tea and your favorite Danish pastry, this is a writer's haven - what more could you possibly need?
      I've been here a few months, and I love it. I have written more in these months than I have in a long time!! This place has been such an outlet for me. I love giving and receiving reviews! There is so much to do here. Thanks for the awesome site!!!
      I have been a member of Writing.Com for a year and a half. In that time, not only has my writing improved 200%, I have also made some truly excellent friends -- the kind of friends that you know will be friends forever even if you never meet them. Writing.Com has become a home inside my home. I can't imagine my days without it.
      I've been a meber of Writing.Com even before it was Writing.Com... when this site used to be Stories.Com, I was a member! I love this website; I've even referred a friend to this site. Keep up the good work!
      Whenever I get a little downhearted, perhaps having received one too many rejection slips, I log on to Writing.Com. It is the most important site on the Web to me, and I visit a lot of sites! It gives a real boost to get your work not only read, but reviewed and rated, too. Helpful comments abound and the place is full to bursting with genuine, helpful and friendly writers.

Thank you so much, Writing.Com, for improving my writing and enriching my life.
      I only came to Writing.Com a week or so ago and I already feel as though this place is perfect for me. I am starting to get comments from others that help to bolster my efforts and fuel my love of writing. I have more ideas now then ever and it's all thanks to the great Writing.Com community. As writers we feed off of each other and help to make each other better, I hope to become better and make others better as well in the time I am here.
      Before I discovered Writing.Com, I never took writing very seriously. However, after I started receiving reviews about my works, I was able to improve and fine tune my skills. It slowly evolved from a general hobby to something I'm really beginning to gain an interest in. I never really thought about writing as a career until I joined Writing.Com. I thank Writing.Com for inspiring me to express myself more effectively through words.
-- Nick
      I have clocked up just over three years now, at Writing.Com. This place has become such an integral part of my daily life. I love the interaction, the feedback I get on my writing. I learn just as much from reviewing other people's writing, too. It is truly wonderful to come into a website and feel like you've come to the home you were always searching for. From day one, Writing.Com has been that for me.
      I am so happy to have found Writing.Com! I have always had a passion for writing and would share my poetry with whoever would listen. I can now share my poetry with other authors. I get constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement that can only make my work better. I am also thrilled to be able to do the same in return. I have had quick responses to questions regarding copyright information and technical support. What more can you ask for? Everything any author could need is right here. I think Writing.Com is a pit stop all writers should refuel at before hitting the fast track to publishing.
-- Angie
      Writing.Com is where I have a portfolio that holds the many things I write. There are other writers here that will help to make your writing more presentable. Mavis Moog is my favorite when it is important that everything is correct and looks professional. My Writing.Com portfolio is getting read; is this not why we write?
      MAN, THIS PLACE ROCKS! This surpasses every writing/reading site I've been to! Everybody is so
welcoming and comforting. I am an avid writer and quite a reader. So whenever I need something to read, I go here!
-- X-Bug
      Joining with Writing.Com now means I have a collective space to gather all my writings. With every item I create / upload and every bit of feedback I get I gain more confidence in my skills as a writer. Even if I'm stuck on a short story I can fill the creative gap by making a poll, a survey, a word search or simply add a new entry to my blog. Everything is here on one website. There is no excuse NOT to join Writing.Com whether you're a casual reader, or a professional working for a business. There is something for everyone. Thanks guys!
-- Heid
      I've been on several website that allow others to comment on your works. Because of harassment, I was forced to have to leave a few of them. I came across this website, and figured I'd give it a try. People respect my work, and tell me honest things on how to make it better. It's not the old ways where the only criticized your work, and I'm impressed with the site here. And I plan on staying for quite awhile.
-- xann
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