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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!
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      Dear Writing.Com, I have been searching for a place to "hang my thinking cap" for so long now. I have trudged through the valley and sometimes ditches of the net looking for a place where SERIOUS writers can communicate. Most of the time I checked out the site I thought to be serious, I left disappointed. Then by accident I stumbled on to your site. All I can say is "WOW!" It doesn't get any better than this. Any question I have had it has been answered here. I am forever in your debt. I am planning on upgrading and for once I am confident that this will not be a mistake in doing so. Thank you so much! Truly hooked,
      Writing.Com has been for me an invaluable tool to excercise my writing skills, get feedback on my writing style and receive detailed reviews from writers from all walks of life.
But more than that, Writing.Com is a community, eveyone here shares a passion, shares a goal, shares a need. That need is to write!
Whilst everyone shares the one goal and need, everyone embraces one an another in an unbreakable bond.
I have had such a positive responce from everyone on Writing.Com, the advice and support have not helped develop and hone in on my poetry and writing skills, but has build up a confidence in people once again.
It may be true to say that Writing.Com is one of the most valuable assets to the world wide web, and it is certainly great to be a part of it!
      I haven't been traveling on Writing.Com for long,
but since I found it I can't keep away! I love
reading the NLS and information from everyone.
Everyone is so helpful and friendly.
I've always loved reading and writing but usually kept everything to myself. I love sharing my thoughts and experiences with others and being
shy it has helped me alot writing about my feelings. Welcome aboard !!
      Thank you for Writing.Com. I think it is wonderful (and I am sure I am like... the 10000th person to tell you this). Three things I love about your site: 1. In no other online writing forum would one get so many people to read and review her work. The amount of exposure and ensuing help one gets is incredible. 2. You give people the chance to publish original work without any sort of initial edits or changes. Getting people read your actual work without/before suggestions and revisions is welcome to any writer. 3. The levels of membership you provide is simply great - you let a person remain a free member or give her the choices to upgrade which is very nice. Thank you for Writing.Com; I've been lucky to discover it and I'll do my best for others to discover it.
      I don't remember how I came across this site a couple of weeks ago but I am glad I did. Everyone seems to be so friendly. I can express myself in any manner I need. I'm not limited to one thing. The other sites I am a part of sometimes seem so "fake". You don't get to read other genres of writing, granted most are geared to Poetry because I searched for it. But most of them are the same poems over and over, but here it's wide range of themes that all you want to do is read read and read.
      I have been aware of this web site for a long time, so long, that I honestly do not even recall how I first came across it. I have only been a member since September, however, having decided to take that ominous plunge and expose my vulnerabilty for what I thought was just an American web site. Imagine my surprise when I realized that people from all over the world were reading my stories! Imagine my shock when these people were giving me positive feedbacks!! My entire life, I have yearned for the day that I would become an established, well- known author, but my insecurities and doubts have held me back immensely. I was so scared of my own writing, that I even turned down a chance to have a published book at age 14! Ever since I joined this web site, however, my confidence has raised so much, that I am now in the process of submitting two novels, the third is waiting for a copyright. I am so grateful for the community here at Writing.Com for their support, help, and advice. I never thought I could find so many faceless friends that I value so greatly! I'd recommend this place for anyone who loves the art of literature!
-- kellee
      I recently found Writing.Com and it has improved my writing skills. I love this site. People actually tell me how they really feel about my work!
      I guess we all have something to say, or tell. Whether we are screaming in the dark, hoping someone will hear, or cutting up with friends over coffee and danish, this site looks like a good avenue for either. I still can't believe how big this place is hehe, still exploring, thankfully not lost, yet.
      I joined this forum May 27, 2001 when it was still Stories.Com. I had never been very confident about my writing, thinking that my talent was quite limited and beneath the level of my peers. I've come to find this to be quite untrue through my writing here, and especially through the comments I've received from my fellow authors here. Now that I'm in college, I find myself writing quite a bit more, always eager to share what I have with the online community. I love to read what others write, and it gets harder each time for me to log out and go to bed! I just can't get enough of this site!
      I'm a new member at Writing.Com, the highly interactive and diverse writer's web-community, where time writing becomes response, review and promotion!
      Writing.Com is the best site ever! It caters to the author's writing and the person behind the author. I came here about a year and a half ago after hearing about the site from a classmate's presentation. I wasn't too active until later that year. That is when I joined the throngs of those officially addicted. I love reviewing others and am honored when others choose to review my work. Both of those helped my writing improve greatly and keep improving it. There are also countless articles, forums, and other items designed to help make readers better writers.

The great community spirit here is also awesome;) When I'm down, I come to Writing.Com and my spirits raise soon afterwards. (I'm a regular on the scrolling messages;) The wide array and zany personalities of the members also help jumpstart my imagination (and my laughing box). An invisi-couch, village PEEPle, and a Grimy Rhymey Checker are some of the bizarre virtual writng.com creations sure to brighten any day and galvanize even the most fickle muse. There's always a member willing to help somewhere.

There are some problems with Writing.Com. The rating system is sometimes cause for debate, and sometimes there are problems between members. Also, sometimes the despised hate rater makes an appearance. Writing.Com certainly isn't perfect, but then again, nothing is. Those problems are minor, and don't really mar the greatness that is Writing.Com.

With such fantastic and amiable creaters as the StoryMaster and StoryMistress, Writing.Com can't help but be one of the greatest places for writers of all ages on the web.
      Before being introduced to Writing.Com, I was a sporadic writer at best, occasionally jotting down story ideas, poems, and the occasional quick short. Since I've been here, I've found the motivation to become more prolific and the inspiration to branch out into genres I hardly knew existed. Some people even like my stuff! Now I can hardly stop writing!
      I've recently tried other writing sites in addition to Writing.Com, just to get my work out to as many people as possible, and let me tell you, I never knew how good I had it here. Formatting is easy, navigation is easy, interaction is easy... I would think that those three things would be the core focus of any writing site, like they are here, but unfortunately, it's not always the case. Thanks so much, Writing.Com, for an extremely well-designed site, and for knowing what writers want.
      Ever since I picked up a book I knew literature would be my life. The endless stories I read eventually lead me to writing, and writing lead me to W.com! The moment I became a member I was welcomed, and since then I have made so many friends, and learned so much, that I don't know what I would have done without this site. You may hear people call this "A home away from home" and you might laugh, but its true! My upgraded account lets me share my work with the community, and thus, share myself with the community. When you get a whole bunch of people together who love the same thing, you are bound to learn something, or at least meet someone who shares your interests. I truly have never found a safer, more fun, or more friendly site on the web, and I'm happy to say I'll be a member for a long time.
      I have been a member of Writing.Com for a couple of years, and have never found a more cohesive group of people with a common focus. We are brought together by a single love that has many forms of expression: poetry, short stories, noveling, and so many more. Whether I am a novice or a professional, at any version of writing, there are people who will cheer me on, push me beyond my abilities, and force me to grow into a better author.

Writing.Com is not simply a website - It is a community that has helped me grow into something that exceeds simple talent and helped me to realize that I do not love to write for myself only, but can now acheive the dream of one day being published. And if I don't feel like writing, there are plenty of diversions to help me procrastinate effectively... and there are also groups of people to urge me on when I procrastinate too long.

Simply put, this is more than a website. It's a home, complete with family!
      I have been a member of Writing.com since September 17th of 2004. I joined initially because I want to be a writer when I grow up (I'm 38). I was a shy, easily intimidated Newbie, but I jumped in with both feet. Since that time, I have learned more than I would ever have imagined! I'm constantly inspired! It is amazing.

I am continually learning from other writers. I have found the most helpful thing here for me, is what I learn in reading the work of other writers. (As a member of "Simply Everything" reviewing forum) When I give reviews, I identify what works for me from a reader's perspective, and what does not. It has been an invaluable experience.

The writers here are incredibly encouraging and supportive; they make learning fun! The contests are never ending (I've have placed in three so far) and have enjoyed reading the entries in all of them. I highly recommend this site to anyone who wants to stretch their wings and/or their imaginations. WRITE ON!

-- Lady D
      I have read many Testimonials on many different sites and for many different products. The ones on Writing.Com are special, you just have to read them to know that's true. What do I have to say about Writing.Com, well lots of things but I can't fit them all here. I used to be quite the Television watcher and although lifeguards in bikinis are great, I have just about quit Television all together. Simply because Writing.Com has taken up my leisure time. I had to make a choice; the choice was easy. I never read, I never Wrote, and I certainly never thought this would happen to me, but I found a community of people so special and dear that it has warmed my cold heart even though no lifeguards are near.
There is so much to do on this site it is endless and it is growing. Come join me and speak, listen, and learn, I had my chance now it's your turn you won't regret it, come on get going!
-- andrew
      A year or so ago, a dear friend of mine called me on the phone and told me excitedly that she had found the best website ever. I checked it out for myself, and was immediately hooked. The more I got to know people, the more I wrote, the more hooked I became. I visit Writing.Com more than any other site, even more than my college's website for blackboard!
-- Aradne
      I enjoy your site immensely and most importantly, it has taught me to really concentrate on my writing. The members are awesome, helpful and friendly. I couldn't exist artistically without it. Thank you.
      I joined Writing.Com just recently and I am thrilled. At first I wondered if the site would really help me out, so I joined on what I thought would be a temporary basis. Well, now I just don't want to leave! I crave the great reviews that people give, and I love to give them in return! My writing has probably improved in even just this short time, and I have the people here on Writing.Com to thank for that. Thanks so much for the support, the fun, and the place to store my works!
      As I sat in the shadows
of the cliffs that surrounds
the little community of Writing.Com,
I saw the stirrings of the strange dwellers
of this little bit of cyber space.
Occasionally wandering in and out
of the confines of their earthly realm
to relax and seek refuge
from the strains of reality.
Here surrounded by the warm embraces
of those distantly challenged,
they lose themselves in the kindness
of others of their liking.
Strangely drawn through the vastness
of this electronically created universe,
to find that they are not alone
in their thoughts of yearning.
That others too must travel
the trails of troubles,
forever searching the depths
of their hearts in hopes
of finding in others
what they themselves lack.
And it is here I come
at last to lay me down
the burdens of another day.
To share with all,
the joys I find in the warmth
of your company.
And pray that we also
may be blessed by the words of comfort.
And comforted by the words of the blessed.
-- wordsy
      Writing.Com is absolutely fantastic! I never thought that I could find a site that I was addicted to -- I was wrong! You can find ANYTHING on here, from seeking reviews for yout item, to seeking advice for real life. And the staff here are so amazing! They keep everything under control. I never get bored here. THANK YOU THE STORYMASTER AND THE STORYMISTRESS, YOU ARE THE BEST!
      I've been with Writing.Com for a little over a month and I think its great! I've been getting a lot of feedback and I have made my stories much better than they were before. I'm thinking of upgrading to an upgraded membership for the better features. I love Writing.Com!
      If you're just visiting Writing.Com, welcome! Here you will find a huge breadth and depth of material that will entertain, challenge and interest you. Come back often. Even better, join up. Your membership is free and the benefits are terrific. The people here are helpful and truly interesting. Thank-you, Writing.com for one fantastic site.
      I have been a member of Writing.Com for over two years, and I can honestly say it's changed my life. Writing.Com has given me a place to go to vent, to express myself, and to associate with other people who share my same interests. I often find myself wondering about contests or my campfires when I'm away from the computer, planning how to write that new poem and how to shape a new character. Without Writing.Com, my initial interest in writing might have turned into a forgotton pass-time. Thank you, Writing.Com, for always helping me stretch my skills and reach for the stars!
-- Fairy
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